Chapter 3

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Chapter contains rough lemon.
I have tried my best in lemon but comment if you want anything else because there will be another lemon chapters.

No one pov.

Izuku came home and saw that no one is in living room and saw that food for 2 people is already on table.

"Huh? Where is everyone?" Izuku says until momo came down

"Oh dear you are back , have you got the stuff" momo says blushing a little bit

"Yeah I got it but where is everyone" izuku asks

"Don't know I also just came down." Momo says

They both then reaches table and found a letter

'food is here. Enjoy. Don't worry about noise enjoy yourself we all have earphones in our ears and none of us is leaving our room before dawn so if you want to do it outside your room like in kitchen you can do it just clean the place after that'


They both blushes on letter then looks at eachother. They both are not thinking anything other than the pleasure they are going to recieve.

Momo kisses izuku and went for his shirt but izuku stopped her.

Momo pouts on his action but izuku only chuckles.

"You have to wait momo atleast let's eat dinner" izuku says as he kisses on momo pouting cheeks

"I am going to squeeze you tonight" momo says while pouting

Then they both eats dinner and then start talking about random things.

" I think we should start" izuku says as he carries momo bridal style and in the way to their room he was kissing momo boobs making her moan.

Luckily many of other students have put earphones except mineta , kaminari , mina and hagakure.

Momo hardly came back in her senses and stopped his boyfriend.

"Izu will you wait here outside for few minutes I have to do some preparation before starting the session" momo requests as izuku puts her down

Momo then went in room and after few minutes she tells izuku to come inside.

Izuku came inside and freezes on spot on the sight he witness.

It was momo with her hair down and was wearing izuku's green sweater and her black panties. Izuku nose start bleeding on the sight.

He closes the door and jumps on bed and pinned momo down. He then started giving her hickeys here and there. Momo on the other hand was also not holding back she was also kissing and biting izuku.

"Oh dear momo now you are all mine" izuku says in a seductive tone.

He then to tease momo starts rubbing her pussy and kissing her while saying some seductive shit.

Momo was also enjoying all this thing izuku was doing to her.

"Izuku sama please fuck me as hard as you can and claim me" momo didn't know what she was saying because she was out of her senses.

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