2nd chances and how I treat life

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We all take life for granted, we all treat life badly and misuse it all the time. I'm not saying I don't do this because I abuse it more than anyone else really, I've been given this second chance to live and I know many people don't get this opportunity to live life twice. It's amazing that you can see and know everything you had done wrong and every mistake you had made in a matter of seconds before you almost died. Pretty much run through your head as your praying for the best. I know what I've done, it's not pretty. I've learned from all my mistakes, life is a learning experience. I don't want anyone to have to experience what I've gone through. It's very hard to bear with the burden that you could of died and disappointed everyone and had left so many things unsaid. So many stones left unturned. I look around and I see so many people who don't take life seriously, everyone has been blessed with an opportunity to life and many people crumble it up and throw it away. You are very powerful, you have an impact on everyone you have in this life and you decided weather it is a positive or negative one. You have the power to save a life. You have to live life positively, be grateful for everything in this life, small or big be glad for everything. Be glad for every day you wake up, life is too short to not be happy. You need to make the best out of everything and be happy to be alive. Trust me it's hard to take in the thought of everything you have done wrong when you think your about to die. I don't want anyone to have to experience what I've gone though, just take my advice in these lines and enjoy life and be grateful. And don't waste life away on anything.

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