Their silhouettes were highlighted by the moon's rays, cascading over their forms as they leapt from building to building, effortlessly. With little time to waste on nonsense, the group moved silently through the streets of New York, on the hunt for Shredder's lair. With their speed alone it took little time for the gang to reach their destination, each sharing a tilt of the head as they split up into their own little groups.
Donnie and Rockwell stayed on the roof along with Leo's team, prying the alarm panel off of the wall and hooking up Donnie's laptop. Said turtle began furiously typing away, deleting and editing code just to hack into the system. Rockwell stood off-side from him, using his mind as a vessel to control any Foot soldiers that were nearby, blanking their mind if they accidentally caught the duo.
Donnie sent a thumbs up to Leo, signalling that the alarms and cameras were down giving the group a chance for a silent attack. Leo's hand pointed to an opening, Mikey and Pigeon Pete moving in his direction. They stood at the towering glass window ceiling and observed the Foot soldiers patrolling the top layer of the fortress. Pete used his beak to cut a hole through the glass, his tongue sticking to the piece so it didn't shatter on the ground and blow their cover.
Mikey then hopped in and emerged from the darkness, grabbing droids by the necks and pulling them back into the shadows. Their limbs flailed about before becoming stationary and delicately placed onto the ground before anyone could notice. Pete made sure that the bodies were hidden enough while Mikey carried on doing his thing, keeping his bird eyes out for any unexpected movement. From the rooftops, Leo could see that a majority of the Foot were taken down and sent Slash and Leatherhead to take out the lower floor.
They rather heard the fight than saw it with their own eyes, feeling the building shake with the impact of their swings. Slash and Leatherhead burst through the doors of the lobby, swinging their fists and weapons about like it was no one's business. They easily took out most of the Foot from their brute force alone, parading their way to the throne room to carry out the rest of the plan. With the soldiers easily distracted, Leo's team attached a rope to a vent on the rooftop then jumped down to the ground floor of the throne room.
It was dark and quiet, too quiet. The group huddled together, shells against backs, fighting for the same cause, friends turned family. The beady eyes of the Foot robots blipped in and out of the inky darkness, their robotic limbs creaking with each movement they made as they emerged from the shadows. Leo held his katanas closer to his face, glaring at the machines as they inched further. He could faintly hear the low growl that rumbled from Raph's throat, hear the leather of his sais squeak with tension.
Without a word the Hamato clan leapt at the Foot bots, weapons slashing through them with ease. It was almost a joke. The hordes kept coming, never seeming to slow down, but they could take it, they'd have to if they wanted to kill Shredder. As the fight raged on, more and more of the team formed back together. Mikey and Pete flew in from the top layers, kicking bots as they landed. Leatherhead and Slash burst threw the doors and easily wiped out half of the small army. Donnie and Rockwell returned from the roof, gathering the information they were able to obtain, like finding the location of the bomb.
Everyone was fighting together, every cog working cohesively in the greater machine. When the last bot was slashed thanks to Raph, the beaming lights illuminated the room in a harsh glow. The group tore their gaze away from the piles of robo-parts and onto the figure slumped forward in the throne, embraced by the darkness like it was an old friend.
"Well if it isn't the Hamato clan, the bain of my very existence." His voice echoed around the room, its power striking fear to those who knew no better. Leo stepped forward, his eyes white with rage, his chest burning a deep fire from within. "It's over Shredder! You're not going to activate that bomb."
"Are you going to try and stop me, Leonardo?"
"I'm not alone this time," Leo spat out, casting a quick glance at the people beside him. "Gyazā!" Shredder commanded to the shadows, awaiting for his footmen to surface, and soon they did. Rahzar and Xever leapt from the back of the room, Rahzar pounding his fists together while Xever cracked his knuckles, "Goodevening turtles, I so cannot wait to turn your shells into necklaces" Xever teased. A high squeal led to the reveal of Bebop and Rocksteady appearing on the left-hand side of the room, "You turtle freaks ready for round two," Bebop mused.
Tigerclaw, Baxter and Karai appeared from the right-hand side of the room, "Hello again turtles, I see you brought your friends along, what a shame they'll have to die too." Karai battered her eyelashes at Leo, amused by the way he avoided her gaze. Shredder sat back in his throne, entertained enough by the prospect of a good fight, "If you win, you can kill me; If I win, well, you get the idea..."
The fight had begun without much else said, Raph and Mikey went for Xever and Rahzar, Donnie went for Baxter, April and Casey went for Bebop and Rocksteady, Leo went with Tigerclaw and Splinter went for Karai. The Mighty Mutanimals were held up fighting more hordes of Footbots, each new wave becoming more modern and inundated with smarter ways of fighting.
"I see you fixed that Katana of yours," Tigerclaw chuckled, hand ready to grasp the gun wrapped to his thigh. Leo saw the jutter of his hand, knowing with any move he made the cat would be able to shoot him with no trouble. "At least my weapon relies on skill." he quipped, knowing it would rile up the mutant. Tigerclaw growled in response, got him, "You think you can mock me, boy! I will tear you to shreds!" He launched his body at the young terrapin, going in with a slash of his own hidden blade. The metals of the swords clanged and clashed together, each swing sent the other back a few steps. "You're not winning this time, kitty!"
Raph charged at the walking sushi, anger burning in his eyes as he assailed. Xever quickly jumped over the teen, his robotical legs shaking the ground as he landed. "Ah, Raphael, it's been such a pleasure to hate you. It will be a shame to have to kill you," Xever taunted, a blade shimmying around his fingers. Raph lifted a brow in mock, "There's always the option of not killin' me," Xever shrugged his shoulders, "Now where's the fun in that?" He ran at Raph, scrapping the edge of the blade along his plastron, Raph's fist holding him back from carving his face.
"C'mon Bradford, you don't wanna do this man!" Mikey cried out, backing into a corner. Rahzar's shadow engulfed Mikey's small form, his mouth snarling in delight, "Oh yes, I do." he seethed. His boney arms swiping at the turtle, fortunately for Mikey, he was able to evade the attack. The oranged-masked turtle leapt onto the back of the boney-dog mutant and rode him like a horse, using the chains on his nunchucks to muzzle him. "C'mon Rahzar, if you keep acting wack no one's going to adopt you, man!"
"Baxter get over here you pathetic excuse for a Muscidae!" Donnie shouted, his bo staff raised at the fly in question. Stockman hovered over the ground, not a weapon insight for him, although he did have his acid spit. "You think you're zzzo much zzzmarter than me, Donatello? Hm, izzz that it? Think you can bozzzz me around? Well, you're wrong! I'm- OW!" he yelled out in pain, Donnie's bo staff landing square on his jaw sending the insect through the air. Baxter shook his head, a soft growl leaving his lips, "That'zzz it! No more Mr nice fly!" He buzzed over to the lanky teen turtle, conjuring up balls of acid spit and sailing them through the air. One spitball landed extremely close to Donnie's foot, too close for that matter.
April pulled out her fan, closing her eyes she concentrated on Bebop's mind. Locating him with ease as he taunted her, "Thought you were meant to be some ninja, huh? Can't even find m-" He screamed as her fan came barrelling towards his chest, unable to dodge it in time he took the attack. Sliding back against the wall, his form blinking in and out of visibility, he pushed off of the wall and skated over to the redhead; "Oh so this is how it's gonna be, huh?" April remained silent, the only hint of emotion was with the raise of her brows and the tightening of her fists, "A strong but silent type? I dig that."