Gupti stopped to let them pass. They all had heard the shatter, but until now, they had tried to ignore it. They were so close to the stone circle now. Annus had almost convinced himself that they'd manage to outrun AMY, but the truth was different.
Gupti passed him a small vial. It was glowing from the inside. »Take this with you. Find a new vessel for me.« Annus silently took it from his hand and nodded.
When he passed Dark, they exchanged a quick nod. The remaining three men continued onward, led by Annus. Soon, Gupti could not see them anymore. He had never felt this feeling before. For the first time, he had done something that had not been part of his duty. From the day of his creation, he had been prepared to do everything to get Unus and Annus out. This is what he had been created for, even if it meant dying. Now, Annus was carrying a part of his soul. Out of the machine. Away from his destiny. And for the first time, he wanted to live.A.M.Y. came flying towards him with outstretched claws.
The closer they got to the portal, the more hellish their surroundings got. Annus had trouble breathing. The air was hot and humid enough to drink. It smelled like stale beer, rotten fruits, and other things. He blinked so his eyes would stop watering, and pushed onwards.
The stone circle was in sight. A green bolt of lightning flew past him.

In Memoriam - An Unus Annus Fanfiction
Fanfiction365 days. Unus and Annus have one year left until their death. Trapped in strange machine, relentlessly hunted by Blank and Dark, a fight against the clock begins. Will they be able to find their way out, or will their story be lost in the sands of...