"You know, (Y/N), it's been two years."
I looked up towards Hiccup, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn't say anything else, only continued fiddling with his newest invention. It was some winged armor he swore would eventually help him fly solo. The many failed flight attempts he'd previously experienced left him with bruises and excuses but no lesser hope.
"Well, just in general."
"Thanks for the totally not obvious update," I murmured, suppressing a smile.
"Do you notice anything missing from these past two years?" He continued, raising an eyebrow.
"What, did you lose another limb?" The playful remark earned a sharp glare and I leaned my chin against my hand, muffling my laughter.
"(Y/N), you still haven't got a dragon!" he said in an exasperated tone a couple moments later.
"Oh. Yeah, I've noticed," I replied casually. He huffed a sigh, walking around the workshop table I was currently sitting at. He came up behind me, encircling his arms around my shoulders before pressing a kiss to my cheek.
"You're so annoying," he murmured teasingly.
"Why, because you're stating obvious things?" I countered with a laugh.
"I want to find you a dragon," he explained.
"You could've just said that."
"I figured you'd get it but apparently not," he shrugged, pulling away and heading back over to the other side of the table.
"You were being all mysterious, it's not my fault," I said. He only shook his head.
"Do you have any dragon in mind?" he asked.
"Get me a Night Fury and I'll be good," I said jokingly. He turned his eyes towards me, biting his bottom lip for a moment.
"You know I would if I could," he sighed. I noticed his shoulders slump ever so slightly and I exhaled, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. I was aware of how frustrating it got for him sometimes, wanting to find something that was extremely unlikely to be found.
"Hiccup, I know, I was just messing around," I assured him.
"Well.. other than a Night Fury?" he said a short while later. I paused, thinking over my response.
"I don't want one of the normal ones," I admitted. He looked at me, confused.
"I mean, look at you and the other teens. You all have different dragons. I don't want to be the one with a common double," I explained, twiddling with my fingers. He nodded slowly.
"Then I guess we can go look on islands?" he offered, turning his back to me to search for another tool.
"If you're able to," I agreed.
"What do you mean, 'if I'm able to'?" he turned around, tilting his head. I raised my eyebrows, shrugging a shoulder.
"I don't know, you've just been awfully busy recently," I said.
"(Y/N), I told you already.." Hiccup began to protest but I shook my head.
"I know, 'your dad is making you do stuff'." I quoted our previous discussions just as he continued with "my dad keeps making me do stuff". He gave me a sheepish look in response to our unison.
"I'll tell him we're finding you a dragon and that I can't follow him around for a couple days, he won't mind," Hiccup insisted.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, (Y/N). This is important. You need a dragon already," he affirmed.
"Besides, flying you everywhere on Toothless is getting a bit tiring," he added and I scoffed, holding my hands up in a shrug.
"You were the one who offered."
"Yeah, two years ago when I thought you'd have your own dragon within a few months," he retorted. I held his eyes before a laugh escaped, and he grinned in response.
"Okay," I settled.
"We can leave tomorrow morning," he said.
"How early?" I asked.
"Toothless prefers to be out as soon as the sun rises, so.."
"Oh Gods, my aunt will kill me if I wake her up that early," I said with a light chuckle.
"You could always stay the night at my house if that's the case," he offered casually, still facing the opposite direction as he rummaged around.
"That won't be.. weird, or something?" I said slowly.
"It's only weird if you make it weird."
"No, I was talking about.. Would your dad be okay?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Oh sure, I mean, it's not like we're going to ruin the house or anything," Hiccup shrugged, pushing his fringe aside in vain as it fell right back into place.
I inhaled before nodding a bit, quietly watching him continue his work.
"Where are you off to?"I paused at the front door, biting the corner of my lip before sighing.
"Hiccup's," I replied, turning as I heard my aunt's footsteps. I had anticipated an interaction-free escape to prevent any potential accusations of my plans, but apparently I didn't quite know her sleep schedule as well as I thought I had.
"Why a bag?" she asked casually, adjusting her sleeves.
"Just a sleepover," I murmured before turning back to the door.
"You're sleeping over?" Her voice raised a pitch and I leaned my head back before facing her again.
"Yeah, so if I could go now...?"
"We'll have to ask your mom first," she said playfully. I raised an eyebrow, leaning my weight onto my left foot.
"Might I remind you, dearest aunt, that I am 20," I countered but she began to shake her head.
"If I recall correctly, you said you felt 13 not too long ago."
I let out an exasperated groan, and she laughed at me.
"Don't wake me up in the morning if you come back," she said before continuing towards the kitchen area.
"I won't. We're going flying for a few days which is why I'm staying in the first place," I explained. She paused, looking up towards me.
"You were just gonna leave without telling your dearest aunt? I am insulted." She placed her hand over her chest, making a sarcastic disappointed face.
"I left a note!" I argued, trying to hide my laughter as I gestured towards the table she was near. She looked towards it, eyes spotting the small piece of paper with my message scrawled on it.
"It's not as meaningful," she sighed dramatically before pouring herself a glass of water.
"Have fun," she added with a sly wink, making her way back towards her bed.
"Gross," I murmured with a halfhearted glare in her direction before waving goodbye.
"Evening, milady."I bit back a grin as Hiccup opened his front door.