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Screams filled the gym. People scattered frantically.

Students gathered outside, whispering amongst themselves in scared, worried tones.

Brady Stevens had just been... Bitten by a vampire?

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Everything seemed to blur around Valerie, noises muffled. Adrenaline coursed through her body and she felt the now familiar feeling of fangs poking at her bottom lip. She was being dragged through the gym and out of the school by someone. A firm grip was held onto her wrist. She took a minute to register that it was Rory.

"Did I just-"

"You just bit someone."

Panic started to set in. She couldn't believe it; She had let her urges win and now she just possibly let out her secret. "Oh fuck, Rory, I didn't mean to! It was an accident, I didn't even realize," she stammered, stumbling over her words.

Once Rory had led them a safe distance away from the school, into the shady cover of the woods outside, he stopped and turned around to face her. He still had his hand gripped tightly onto her wrist.

"Valerie, calm down. I know it was an accident," he said, trying to be calm. "Right now all I care about is keeping you safe."

Valerie bit her lip and looked down. "I'm so stupid. I can't believe this." Tears welled up in her eyes. She felt dreadful of what this could lead to. She felt Rory's hand caress her cheek, tilting her head up to look at him. He ran a thumb over her face and wiped a tear away that had begun to roll down her face. "I'm gonna make sure you're okay."

Before Valerie could respond, there was a flash beside them and out from the bushes emerged Sarah and Erica.

Both wore looks of disbelief.

Waves of shame washed over Valerie, and Rory.

"So, were you ever gonna tell us?" Sarah's voice was laced with disappointment. Her expression changed from disbelief to anger.

Valerie couldn't find the words to say.

Erica strolled forward, hands crossed over her chest. She cocked an eyebrow, head tilted slightly as she examined Val. "Even I didn't do anything that dumb when I got turned."

The dark hair girl grimaced, not able to look either of the girls in the eye. Rory chimed in, stepping in front of Valerie. "Hey, don't be so harsh on her!," he hissed. Valerie put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a look that made him step to the side.

"Sarah, Erica, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you. I was worried. I promise I was planning on telling you though."

The girls gave each other glances before looking back at Valerie. "Who turned you?," Sarah asked out of curiosity.

Valerie and Rory looked at each other.

Erica's jaw dropped. "There is no way you let that dork bite you."

Rory looked offended. "Shut up Erica. For your information, she did." There was slight pride evident in his voice. Valerie rolled her eyes at him. "He's right. I let him turn me."

Sarah sighed heavily. "There's no time to be upset right now. Benny and Ethan are currently working on some type of spell to wipe the memories of the students at the dance so that nobody remembers what they saw."

"Woah. Cool!," Rory exclaimed.

Sarah ignored him. "As for you Valerie, you need to stay home until it's safe to come out. And just hope that the Council doesn't hear about this."

Valerie nodded in understanding. She could still sense that Sarah wasn't happy, but chose to deal with that later once things got fixed.

"Rory, take Valerie home," Sarah ordered before gesturing to Erica for them to leave.

Valerie watched as the two girls left. She felt guilty and stupid after what she had done, and having not told Sarah yet. Rory studied her face and slowly intertwined his fingers through hers, squeezing her hand softly. "Val, we're gonna fix this. Please don't worry."

She looked up at him, meeting his eyes. A wave of calmness washed over her as she did so. She leaned into him and let out a small sigh. "I hope so."

Rory felt shocked at her sudden contact, the fact that she was confiding in him for her safety. He relaxed and hesitantly wrapped his arms around her. He held her close to him and leaned his chin against her head. "I'm gonna protect you Valerie," he whispered. "I promise."

Although things were clearly a mess, Valerie believed his words. She knew Rory would never let anything happen to her. "I know you will Rory."

Valerie leaned back and looked up at him. She reached up to plant a small kiss on Rory's lips. Before she could retreat, Rory wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back in for another kiss. She melted into it, surrendering to the deepened kiss.

He would protect her no matter what; He wouldn't break his promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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