eleven: i'm the personal assistant to logan reese . . . great

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I trudged through the dark campus, my feet aching

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I trudged through the dark campus, my feet aching. There was hardly anyone out, and if they were out, it was random couples enjoying some time together before curfew kicked in. One particular couple was all over each other, so I hurried past them, keeping my head low. Didn't they know that other people went to this school? Not everyone liked PDA, including me. 

There was a soft breeze blowing through the trees as I neared the dorm building. I could hear some girls chatting from a room on the first floor; they must have had their window open. My heart constricted in my chest a little at the sound of laughter, and I wished that my MP3 player hadn't died. I wanted to drown out the sounds of joy before I felt too bad about myself for not making any friends. 

I shouldn't feel too bad about myself, though. I enjoyed my time at the museum today, though it kind of sucked when the bus broke down and I had to stay a few extra hours at the place. Caroline stayed with me the entire time, and we chatted like we were old friends. It was nice; she did remember me from when I was younger, so we talked about the many new projects that the museum has had in past years. I realized that I actually really love history, so much so that I could see myself regularly volunteering at the museum regularly after today. 

I gripped the cool metal of the door handle, swinging the door open. Sliding into the building, I headed down the hallway toward my shared room with Quinn. She always went to bed early every night, so I bet she was in bed already. I quickly checked my phone and sighed when I saw that it was quarter to nine at night. At least I didn't have any homework; if I did, I would have been screwed. 

Digging through my bad, I found my lanyard that held my keys. I tugged it out and quickly unlocked the door. Quinn was focused on one of her inventions that was sitting on a table, so I slowly shut the door, trying not to mess up with her concentration. I threw my bag onto my bed, but it bounced off of it, hitting the wall. Quinn let out a small scream, dropping whatever was in her hands. She spun around, glaring at me. 

"Didn't you see me focused on something?" she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. "You didn't have to purposefully hit the wall, Kelsey."

I mimicked her by crossing my arms over my chest. "Don't you know that there is such a thing as an accident?" Quinn frowned. "You didn't have to snap at me, Quinn."

She scoffed and turned back around, ignoring me. Whatever. Instead of letting it effect me, I turned toward my bed and gathered my things up from the ground. I shoved my papers and folders back into the bag, gently setting it on my own desk right next to my bed. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and put on my comfiest pajamas. Today was a challenging yet good day, and I was exhausted. I hoped that I would crash all night long. I turned the light off before heading back to my bed.

And then Quinn and I both collapsed onto our beds at the same time, letting out similar sighs. 

"You good over there?" Quinn asked, making me lift my head slightly. Why was she talking to me all of a sudden? Wasn't she angry at me? She was leaning against her pillows, a weary look on her face. "You sighed, too, right? I wasn't hearing things . . . right?"

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