Mission in the land of waves

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I forgot to say,
I personally hate that ship (no offense to shippers) so it will not be present in this fic.
I will also try to keep the characters as much... well IN character as possible.
Of course, because some (*cough*Sakura*cough*) will have different character development as in canon, they will not END UP with the same personality as canon, but I'll try make their personality as close as possible.

-Normal third person description/pov
-Sakura's thoughts / inner personality



Honestly, Sakura had never really wanted to be a ninja.

It was too much work, the training was tiring, it hurt, and, most of all, it made her seem ugly.
And, more than anything, Sakura didn't want to be ugly.
After all, Sasuke-kun didn't like ugly girls, and all Sasuke-kun didn't like, Sakura would never be.

Sasuke was her world, the person she would do everything to be with.
He was perfect.
He had perfect hair, perfect skin, he was strong, and, even if she wasn't that strong, he could always protect her.
He was her hero, hers, and hers only, because, she knew, they would end up together.
It was written in the stars, it was destiny, she was sure of it.

So,  when the Hokage told them their team would have to go on their first C-rank mission in the land of Waves, Sakura was ecstatic : finally an opportunity to be alone with Sasuke. She'd have weeks to make him fall for her charms without Ino or another of her rivals interfering. Really, fate must favor her, putting her on a team with the boy she loved more than anything in the world.

These were the thoughts that ran through her mind as her, her team, and the person they were supposed to be guarding ( a bridge-builder named Tazuna that stank of sake), traveled to the land of the waves.

Behind her, Tazuna and Nauto were arguing.   Naruto is a real child, she thought, sighing, can't he be a bit more mature like Sasuke-kun? He should grow up a little!

Suddenly, she was brought back to reality by a strange feeling. It was as if someone was watching them... She could feel (?) two presences not far away from them...

Looking around, Sakura noticed a puddle. A puddle of water, on a bright sunny day even if it hadn't rained in weeks.

Probably just someone who emptied their bottle of water, or took a piss in the middle of the road... Kami knows people are disgusting!! Of course, MY Sasuke-kun would never do that, she thought giggling a little, but Naruto on the other hand...

And, just when she was about to pass by the puddle, two shinobi jumped out.

Missing nin from the village hidden in the mist, the pink haired genin noted as she quickly took a protective stance  in front of  the bridge builder. It was her mission to protect him, after all, and even of she was scared out of her wits, Sasuke-kun didn't like cowards.

The two rogue ninjas attacked, faster than Sakura's eyes could follow, and they....

Sakura could only gape as they killed her sensei. When she finally processed what she'd seen, she screamed; although in the back of her mind, a small voice told her that an S-rank jonin wouldn't go down that easily.

After "killing" Kakashi, the two shinobi began running towards her. Frozen in fear, sakura didn't know what do, she couldn't move, much less protect Tazuna.

When she was about to join her sensei in the afterlife, a blur of blue and black appeared in front of her.


"Protect Tazuna!" the Uchiha yelled as he engaged one of the ex-mist ninja in a taijutsu battle, leaving Sakura to deal with the second one.

Naruto, surprisingly, was nowhere to be seen.

The annoying bastard, CHA! Leaving me and Sasuke-kun all the work!

Using her kunai to block her opponent's attacks, Sakura knew she wouldn't be able to hold him for long.

Fortunately for her, Kakashi, who was somehow still alive, quickly knocked out the missing nin.

Channaro! The bastard! I knew he knew he wasn't dead! But no, better leave to dangerous rogue ninjas to a group of genin just out of the Academy!

"Good work, Sasuke, Sakura" he congratulated, "Naruto, I'm a bit disappointed, I didn't know you would freeze up like that...   Are any of you injured?" he asked, while looking pointedly at the Naruto, as if he knew the genin had been hurt.

"uh...Just a little, it doesn't even hurt, dattebayo!!"

Kakashi facepalmed.

"Naruto, their weapons were coated in poison, we're gonna have to go back to Konoha and get you to a hospital... unless you wanna die a gruesome death?..."

As soon as he had said that, Naruto took a kunai from his weapon pouch and sliced his hand open, before ranting about promises and kunai, and Hokages. A rather usual occurrence for team 7.

Kakashi only sighed before beginning to wrap Naruto's hand in bandages and scolding him for his reckless behavior.

"Ok" he declared once finished "now that that's dealt with, I have a few questions..."

He turned toward the bridge builder

"Tazuna-san, would you mind telling us why the demon brothers were targeting you?
After all, this is only a C-rank missions, we aren't supposed to be fighting hired shinobi, that would make it A-rank... And,  unfortunately, we aren't paid enough for that.."

I think you meant 'it's too dangerous for mere genins' Sakura deadpanned, but said nothing.

Tazuna then began to explain how he was targeted for building a bridge that would link the land of waves to the mainland, or something, but Sakura tuned him out, choosing to focus on the fight that had taken place a few moments before.

She could have died, she realized, she could have died, as in being dead, not waking up, not breathing.

Dead, dead. Cold and unseeing. Dead as in not alive.

That scared her.   But... looking on the bright side, at least she had managed to see Sasuke-kun in action..!

He was amazing, and quick, and so strong!!!

She sighed dreamily, pushing her thoughts of death at the back of her mind, focusing on the awesomeness of her future boyfriend.

Before long, they were back on the road, the light atmosphere gone.
They were all tense, looking around for a sign of another hired assassin coming after them.

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