I wake up to the room I know too well. This was the room I used to live in, when I lived with my Uncle. This is where my nightmares come from, this house, him.
A bottle is smashed against the wall in another room. I know this all too well.
I quickly get up and rush out of the room. As I get up I notice my arm is bandaged up, not very well but it is. I lightly touch it and hiss out in pain.
"Sr," I say standing in front of him.
"Ah I wondered when you would wake up." He smiles his evil smile.
"You're disgusting and this is kidnapping." I blurt through my teeth, unable to keep it in.
He glared at me and I know what's coming. I was hit with the bottle in his hand first. Glass and alcohol is splattered everywhere and on me. He grabs me by the hair and pulls my head to look at him.
"You may think they will find you but dont worry I have a long turm plan, none of you can stop. Im going to ruin your life like you did mine."
He throws me to the ground. I mask my emotions as he starts to kick me.
They will find me. I keep repeating in my head. They will find me. He is stupid enough to kidnap me and bring me back to his house. They will find me.
I black out again not long after.
I wake up to still being on the floor. Alcohol, glass, and some blood surround me. I look around and he is gone. I sigh in relief before I try to get up. Every inch of me hurts, but I get up. I need to look for a phone.
I look around for mine. I finally find it hidden in my room. My Unkle really is stupid. I quickly call Marcus. He answers with the first ring.
"Alex is that you?" He says.
"Yes its me." I say back and a smile crosses my face but then disappears because it hurts.
"Where are you?"
"Unkle took me to his house."
"Im going to kill him. We will be there in a minute. Hold on and stay away from him." He hangs up immediately.
"Wait who's we?" I say to the phone to no answer.
It will be ok there coming for me. I keep repeating in my head. I go and sit in the corner of the room. I am In so much pain.
After a few minutes the door downstairs is busted open. I hear people yelling. The tears stream down my face. I don't know who's here.
My door is busted open. I slightly scream from shock. Then I see my brothers and the boys run in. They quickly scan the room and see me bloody and bruised in the corner.
"I'm going to kill him." Marcus dangerously growls.
Daniel and Zach rush to me and grab me. Daniel carries me out.
"He's not here lets just go." I try.
"No he is going to pay this time." Marcus says.
All of the boys look beyond mad.
"Take her to the car." Jack says. "Were waiting for this sun of a bitch."
I slightly struggle but just give in. I can't stop them. We walk out as I hear some things being broken by the others. Daniel gives me a sympathetic look every time I flinch from the noise. The boys brake the door when they busted in so daniel steps over the broken pieces and takes me to the car. He carefully puts me in the car.
"Zach stay with her." Daniel says walking back into the house and over the broken pieces of wood.
"Why can't we just go." I say.
"I'm sorry." Zach says climbing in next to me. Then his voice turns angry. "He deserves what's coming for him." I lean my head on his shoulder. His tone shifts again to regret. "I'm sorry."
Then before I can do anything he gets out of the car and locks the door, looking me inside. He gives me one last sorry look before going inside.
"No," I cry. I just want to get as far away from here as I can.
I know Zach's attempt in locking me in didn't work because I can unlock and lock the door from in here. But I won't leave. I can't.

Who to Love
Romance"I think this could be a reality show." James says. ----- Book two Once you touch some one for the first time the percent your compatible appears. So you can find your soulmate. Most people get small numbers. Not Alex, She got 80% with five boys...