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Ena p.o.v

im bored... I can't hang out with ''moron'' or moony.. she's still on her humanoid form she' creepy.. on that form. i was on my debut side no longer on the yellow side i still remember it I shivered  *ACK* I spat out  it seems like petals?. it had leaf's and i saw a bit of blood.  i pick up the petal and tried to analyze the petal i didn't know on what kind of petal it just looked like a  piece of a flower i love flowers but i still get why i just randomly  spat it out  and then notice the blood that was slightly dripping my mouth i rub it off and tried to analyze  it for a second time still nothing maybe i should ask shepherd i should get a turrón first before she start's hitting me again- i huff and jump out of bed and open a portal where i technically get turrón 

¿Time skip-?

Ena was back in her room thinking if it's a good idea to ask her maybe mirce?... No! she was in the maze for how long!
Ena heads kept spinning and spinning she was frustrated and confused she then huff another petal Arghh.. it's now or never! ena opened a portal and was going inside but then everything fade into black

Ena pov
"huh?¿ where am i!?" "Well done." a voice said i recognize that voice i turn around in shock ANE (sad ena) was covered in flowers spitting some out "You have doom yourself." ANE said "What-t do you mean?!" "ƎNA (Drunk) said it was your-r fa-u-ualt.." ANE started to break down from tears "Dang it.. i just got over it-t" ANE said breaking down with tears "ANE. im so----" i was cut off by her "No...no... just-.." ANE couldn't finish her sentence "Just what?" Ena question "JUST WAKE UP!!"

ARGHH! i said suprisely i just kept huffing and huffing i look down on what i slept on or pass out on there were many petals over 10 "I have to go.." i stand back up and went to the portal and looked around and didn't see shepherd
"Здесь дурацкий"
(translation - Down here stupid.)
"CHEESE AND RICE!" Ena said frightened by shep then back away and then look at her
"У тебя все нормально?"
(trans - are you okay?)
Ena let a loud sign out and look at shep
"Why in the love of rice are you on the floor?" Ena ask
"Мне просто стало скучно."
(Trans - i just felt bored) "Alright can i ask you a qu--" Ena cut herself off while spitting another one out "What the heck?!" (i gave up on the Russian) Shep said while backing away Ena look at her calmly "That question" Ena said Shep look at the petal that was covered in a slightl amount of blood "Do you know on what's going on with me?!" Ena said sad side said "I- I- Don't know! why did you came here?! you just spat out a piece of a daisy!" Shep sais revealing the petal kind Ena sigh she knew the kind but didn't know on why she keeps spitting out petals she reach her hand out revealing a turron she gave it to her and proceeds to walk away to the portal and going inside it she sat on hef bed and waa trying fo think on what's happening to her Everything went black again
"ANE are you trying to inject my brain out? cause it's starting to h---

word count - 597

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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