°Chapter 2°

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George's POV

I woke up in a large cold room. I stood up and rubbed my eye,I looked around to see I was alone. I realized I was in someone or something's bed it was rather large so I guessed it was a king size. I pushed off the covers and stood up. I heard a door open,I quickly turned around to see a tall figure,maybe around 6'4, green eyes? I couldn't tell, fluffy dirty blonde hair,it was wearing a black suit.
It started walking towards me. It wasn't a figure, its a handsome man.

"You're awake,that's good I thought you were dead" He says.

"W-where am i..?" I say.

"You're in my room, also I'm sorry for making you pass out! I didn't mean to.." He exclaimed.

"Oh.. well I guess it's ok.." I mumbled "Also WHERE are we?? I know I'm in your room but where?" I asked

"You're in a different world, and you're in my kingdom or castle whatever you would like to say." He responded. He seems so calm about it.

"WAIT WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN DIFFERENT WORLD" I Screamed, almost falling from the bed.

"Calm down, jeez you are loud" He said

"Right sorry.." I says "Can you please explain?"

"Sure, you see when I mean a 'different world' I  mean you aren't in earth anymore you're in a different world. A vampire's world.. But! I promise it isn't that bad. Kinda" He has a nervous smile..

"O-oh.., wait that means I can't go back!" I yelled

"Yes.. But it's isn't bad here,like I said." He told me

" Really? How so."  I asked

"Ok let's see, You  get to stay here,we have to feed you,we ahve to take care of you,and more! So it isn't that bad here!" He responded

"Cons?" I said

"Well um.. You have to wear a collar.. I will tell you that later, you have to obey us unless you want to die.., and you will most likely be used for your blood." He says, with a innocent smile. If I could wipe it off he wouldn't have a face anymore.

"What the fuck.." I whispered. "Can I at least know your name..?"

"Dream, my name is Dream. Nice to meet you"
Dream stared at me. I realized I have to introduce myself. "George, I'm George.."

HELLO GUYS SO I HABE MADE ANOTHER CHAPTER:] Proud of myself because I haven't updated in so long!

WC: °418°

His Sweet Blood //Dnf Vampire AU//Where stories live. Discover now