The pain of the day

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It was all caos running from away from the trees, into the yellow, grass filled prarie. His rabbits pulling his sleigh yelling and wooping to get the attention away from the dwarves and onto him.  spinning around a large boulder.

Looking from behind the cliff that we were behind, Gandalf accesed the suroundings, a heavy sence of anxiety that sat on his shoulders. watching the large, demon ancestors of the wolves he continued his scanning of radagast and his plan. at least fourteen wargs chasing his tail Gandalf gasped out," Come on!" sprinting out from behind the large hiding spot I felt someone grab my hand and pull me along, Fili stood in front of me pushing me further and further.

Running in the oposite direction as the danger was far behind us i felt a small weight lift off of me, yet I still felt as if i was going to topple over, or pass out.

Running unknowingly in a circle we saw the poor brown wizard zip out of the way of the enemy.

"Stay together."Gandalf wispered almost uninteligeble "Move!" thorin yelled on his behalf for we had not moved a single inch, Filis hand still holding mine, yet his grip was harder so that i could feel every palpatation of his heart.

running in the other direction, we somehow found ourselves beside the barbarians yet again, stoping abruptly, following the movement of the company i gasped out as i witnessed Ori continue his treck not three feet off from the boulder.

"ORI NO! COME BACK!" thorin wisper yelled pulling his back by the back of his tunic.

"All of you come quick!" Gandalf continued, The pain in my abdomen made me whimper and pull my hand back from fili.

Looking back at me with a look of hurt and fear, Fili saw me clutching my stomach, his eyes widening he pulled my arm over his shoulder and supported me slightly.

"Where are you leading us?"

Ignoring thorins desperate question asking Gandalf turned his back to his face.

Suddenly I herd a loud snarling and growling just above my head. seeing that Thoring understood the look that I shot him, he hinted to Kili to shoot the menace. Walking slowly with his bow raised a arrow in its string he shot. missing a vital area the warg fell foreward screeching and screaming. Stabbing the wriggling jerk and decapitating his head, I just about cried out in exchaustion, a high pitched howl cut through the cold air...We were in trouble.

"MOVE! RUN!" Gandalf shouted with his entirety of his voice we realized that this would nto be a cake walk and that this would be our last bet.

running in all different directions i kept my hip glued to Filis as he attempted to ease my apperent pain. Where was Adad? Where was uncle? Where were we?

meeting up finally in a big circle as wargs and orcs encased us, surrounding us I saw Adad unscathed, next to uncle who spoted only a minor cut on his forehead. Letting out the gasp that I had been holding I prayed to the gods that we would all be safe from this pardicament.

"There is something coming!" Kili shouted from across the jumble of dwarves. Screaming out a murkey order i saw kili yet again shooting at the animals and their riders with great accuracy.

Letting me go from his terrified grasp, Fili yelled out to the company,"We are surrounded! Where is Gandalf!?" getting into a painful fighting stance I held my ground as the enemy approched, smiling at me, an ugly orc stepped closer to me and my family.

running to the middle of the rock formation I did a mental head count of all the injuries that everyone had. back to back i weilded my weapon, holding my Dadao sword in my shaking hands I looked right into the whites of the eyes of the orcs.

Seeing Ori out of the corner of my eye brandishing his slingshot, he  shot one fat warg in the snout making it growl loudly. Its rider sneering at one of my childhood friend...Gods dammit...

wimpering slightly at the smiling of the orc Ori shrinked bakc in fear. Pulling his sword out also thorin yelled out"Stand your ground!"

nodding at the side look from adad I realized that he had a plan... Great, yes Adad was a sholdier from Erabor, he was rash when it came to family...

Popping up from a random rock Gandalf the Gray yelled at us from afar. " This way you fools!"

running in amence pain to the cave that the old wizard popped out of i jumped down the hole in the ground.

"GO! GO! GO!" Thorin screamed as ran up to the cave to not jump into the cave.

Throwing themselves into the cave I mentally counted everyone that rolled into the cave.

from inside of the cave i realized htat Kili was missing,"KILI! Run!"Thorin screamed loudly

finnaly popping into the cave both thorin and Kili backed up like the rest of us weapons still drawn. hearing the screams of wargs and a loud horn being blown I looked over to thorin who groaned loudly, a vein popping out of his forehead.

toppling into the cave an ugly orc rolled into the cave. A large arrow sticking out of the neck of the ugly mug.

Walking up to the dead wretch Thorin pulled out the arrow and inspecting the weapon he threw it down in discuss, "Elves..."

"I cannot see where the pathway leads, Do we follow or not?"
"We follow it, of course!"

Hullo people I origionaly wanted to go to Rivendel in this chapter but found that impossible... That really stinks... UGH the next chapter will show you why Madilin is in pain... It will be very interesting, and I really hope that you enjoy it even so, I want you to go and read hayleyanrs alive. It is about a hobbit named Leona who is thrusted into the companys adventure as a sheapherd. Go read it of Beorn in his bear form will come at you with a skillet in a bright pink dress singing somewhere over the rainbow so go and read before you have to bleach you eyes to rid yoursef of that sight.

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