Chapter 10

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   "What the hell, dude?!" Emmett started waking up to see Rhett smoking cigarettes and tears were falling from his eyes. "Are you crying?" Emmett was confused to see the same guy who wanted to throw him off the mountain crying. "Beatrix... Beatrix.... is in the hospital. I can't go there because if my cousins see me there, they will kill her." Emmett didn't know what had already happened to Beatrix. "What the hell have you done to the poor girl?" He asked accusingly. Rhett gave him a side glance and chuckled at the change of tone. "Soft much? I remember you calling out on her and pissed her like you always do." Emmett felt his blood burning through his veins. "You don't know how I feel about her when she's with someone as sick as you." Rhett brushed off the insulting remark. He got up and went back to his house. Emmett was looking around himself to see a bomb or something that could burn him into pieces, but nothing was there.
     The doctors were operating on Beatrix as she lost a huge amount of blood and they were looking for the bullet inside her belly. The doctors started losing hope until they found the bullet and pulled it outside. They saved her and put her in the room. She was resting on the bed. "I think she's in a coma. I don't even know when she will wake up. Does she even have a family?" One of the doctors asked the nurse, but she shook her head sideways. "She's lucky to be alive after all of this." The doctor and the nurse left the bedroom. Meanwhile, Max, one of Rhett's relatives, was plotting how to get to Beatrix while drinking his beer.  They had no idea where to find her after shooting Beatrix and left for their sake of their lives. "We have to end her. Something tells me that she's not that far and I'm almost certain that her health condition is terribly bad, but the only thing stopping us from getting to her is one thing: Rhett might be around and probably even he won't leave her alone after everything had happened to her. We wait till everything is clear." The boys nodded and left the hospital.

Rhett was wearing formal clothes and his black hair was in waves. His green eyes were dull. He stormed through the hospital and once his eyes laid on a nurse talking to the receptionist, he grabbed her by the arm. "Excuse me, but do you know which room is Beatrix Micah in?" The nurse raised her eyebrows at him. "I think she's in room 317." He sighed in relief and thanked the nurse. He ran to the third floor and found it. He knocked on the door silently and opened the door. He expected to see Beatrix only, but the anger and adrenaline were bolting inside his veins and he grabbed his fists tightly at the scene behind him. A strange old woman was sitting in the room and smiling to the sleeping Beatrix. "Who the hell are you to come here?!" He was raising his hand, but her words stopped him from launching at her. "This girl could be the only hope for you, Rhett, to have a normal life after everything." He scoffed at the old woman, which made her raise her right eyebrow at him. "Stop being reckless for once and try to be more responsible for your actions. Your cousins called me right away when they knew about Waylon's death and that you have killed him." Her eyes were wide at him and Rhett narrowed his eyes at her. "Unconscious girl and a freaky old grandmother sitting now after all of these years to taunt me is a fresh start for me." He titled his head to the side and frowned when his eyes laid on Beatrix's pale face. "Listen, old lady! I'm tired of this bullshit. Take your stuff and go for God's sake. Beatrix and I have lots of shit going on because I don't want my relatives near her!!" Rhett started pulling his hair in frustration.

"If I were you, I would take her and go to Germany. You know that your mother's family are waiting for you all of this time there." Rhett scoffed at his grandmother's statement. "Why would you give a damn about her, anyways?" She stood up to face Rhett and stared with her icy blue eyes. "She's your only chance, Rhett. Otherwise, you will end up dead just like your father." She patted him on the shoulder and went outside the room. Rhett was feeling like he was on the edge and grabbed Beatrix's hand. Tears were forming in his eyes. "Come on, Beatrix. I know you will make it. Wake up for me, love." He sat on the chair next to her bed. After a few hours, Emmett called Rhett. "Rhett, we need to discuss something very important." Rhett laughed loudly that he almost fell off his chair. "Why the hell do you want to talk to me?" Emmett was silent for a few moments before he replied to him. "I want to talk to you about her safety." Rhett agreed to see him in the forest. Rhett looked at the clock and it was almost 3 in the afternoon. He wore his coat and kissed Beatrix on the forehead and left the room.

Rhett was walking in rage to meet Emmett in the middle of the forest. He was almost in the middle of the forest when he saw Emmett sitting on a fallen tree. He was wearing blue jeans and a black sweater. He was covering his face with his hands and had his elbows resting on his knees. He was shaking almost out of fear. He looked from the side and saw Rhett staring at him. It was almost as if Rhett didn't expect of Emmett, so he carried his knife in his coat's pocket. "Look who is here!!" Rhett roared with laughter. Emmett narrowed his eyes at him and got up. "How dare you let your family get near the poor girl?! How could you let this happen?!!" Rhett raised his hand to silence Emmett. "I swear I didn't let them know about her existence because I know how it would end if they knew." Suddenly, there was movement between the trees. "What the hell was that?!" Emmett asked furiously. "I don't know and I don't think it's something good." Rhett was on edge once more. He started looking around himself in circles. "Do you have any kind of weapon just in case if we want to protect ourselves?" Rhett raised a questioning eyebrow at him and nodded. Out of the blue, Emmett was taken from behind and got blindfold. Rhett turned his head to the muffled voice, but Emmett was already gone. Tension started filling Rhett from inside and without any warning, he was shot by one of his cousins, Max.

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