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When he left Anissa went straight to the kitchen, looking through cupboards for some soup, and, as she was half-heartedly expecting to, she was surprised she actually found some. She got it cooking as she found a glass and filled it with water before taking it in to Hal. Crouching beside him again, she brought the glass up to his mouth and tried to wake him as she poured a bit of water over his lips. He roused just enough to take a sip and then she coaxed him even further awake by lifting his head and shoulders up, "Please, Hal, you need to drink." He did his best to drink and once he got into the rhythm of it, it helped him to wake up a bit more. When the glass was finished Anissa let him back down, set the glass aside, and took his hand, "Hal... you're going to be alright."

He tried to speak but his words got caught in his throat, at first, "You got me out. I can't thank you enough."

She gave him an incredulous look, "I couldn't leave you behind," she squeezed his hand, "How could I?"

He looked into her new eyes; really looked into them for the first time, and within them he found such beauty it astounded him. It could have been the compassion. "You could have easily left me, Anissa, you had no reason to take me."

She shook her head, drawing closer, "No. No, Hal. I... It's because I love you." She felt bashful, nervous that she had flat out said it, but it had been weighing on her, and he deserved to know. Needed to know.

She didn't expect anything in return, but when he did say, "I love you too," she was filled with such a joy that it overcame all the bad they've been through. She grinned and leaned forward to place a firm kiss to his lips, of which he reciprocated to the best of his ability in his haggard state. When he pulled back he posed the question, "Do you really think we can trust Leland?"

She nodded, sure of her answer, "I do."

A few miles away Leland was in the city, heading to a store he felt had the supplies he needed. His plan was reckless and altogether more selfless than was necessary, but he had made up his mind. He needed Anissa to be safe, and he needed to make amends to the patients who had suffered. He did his shopping as fast as he could, knowing they didn't have much time. Although Joel didn't know about the house, he could have sent people out to search for them, and it was only a matter of time before they found them, if that were the case. He sped back to the house, feeling apprehensive about telling Anissa his plan, but he felt it was the only way to defeat Mantelbourne.

When he got to the house he rushed inside and went straight to the kitchen, dumping the supplies out on the counter. Anissa rushed in after him, anxious to see him and what he was doing, her heart pounding a bit. "What is all this?" she demanded when she saw it, her fear for him spiking. She had a good idea what it was all for.

It was confirmed when Leland spoke up, "I'm going to go in wearing this. Joel wouldn't stand a chance if I have the element of surprise."

Anissa gripped his arm, beginning to plead with him, "No, no! You can't. I don't want you to commit something so drastic." She was talking of suicide of course; he wouldn't make it out if he were wearing a bomb into the facility.

He turned to grab her, pushing her back, "Anissa, it's the only way. Believe me, I can't think of anything else."

She shook her head, feeling like thrashing, her eyes beginning to water, "What about all the patients?

"I know who's not willing to work there, they'll listen to me when they know I have the upper hand and they'll help everyone escape, call the authorities; and the ones who are willing won't know what to do with themselves without Joel." He sighed, "Trust me, this'll work. And I'm willing to do it. Please just accept it."

After Joel had sent Leland after them and he hadn't come back, he knew he had lost Anissa, and possibly even his beloved drug dealer. In all reality he had no reason to keep either of them anymore, his vision already set within his mind. But he had come to desire Anissa above all else in the world. His goddess to his self-proclaimed status of god. He wanted to make the change immediately, wanting to go after her, to claim her, to kill Hal, to become the creature he was meant to be.

He instructed his top doctors to meet him in the operating room, telling them it had to be now. They didn't dare to protest as they set up the materials. Joel knew the risk, the fact that he could become catatonic like the prototype, but they were taking precautions that they hadn't taken with him. An IV of stimulants, Modafinil and others, and his own tank of embalming fluid that he'd be kept in overnight. It took eight hours, a small sum when you think about the extensive work that had to be done. In his anesthetized state he dreamt of the gypsy woman, the mystical tent, and the prize he had acquired; the dominion had opened for him, as if it were Excalibur, and his business had flourished. He sold the drug, with the main help of Leland to buyers in order to make a profit and continue his research and genetic experiments. Without that money he would have been nothing. Without Leland he would have been nothing.

A night passed for Joel and the others. Leland had found the bed and carried Hal to it so Anissa could sleep with him, and Leland took the couch. The drug dealer spent the night restlessly, thinking about how it was the last night he'd have. He never would have thought he'd sacrifice himself for anyone, having always been selfish, and nefarious in his choice of work. He also never thought he'd die this young, not like this. He'd made the bomb, fit it to himself, and prayed it would work. He couldn't sleep, but he wanted to say goodbye to Anissa in the morning. He couldn't leave her like that.

When the time came it was difficult but it had to be done. Anissa was reluctant to let him go, but she was internally thankful it wasn't Hal. She could live without Leland, but the therapist... she needed him in her life. She helped Leland put on the bomb, hugged him the best she could with the bulk, and allowed him to go on his way. She stayed behind to continue to nurse Hal, though she wanted to help evacuate the patients.

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