Chapter 15

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A few weeks passed and I wouldn't say everything was smooth, though I was the CEO people still had judgemental eyes all over me, work was hard and work-related meetings were even harder with Taehyung as we either gave a cold shoulder or we would get into heated arguments and Jaeho, on the other hand, has been getting very close to my dad and not to mention he flirts with me at every chance he gets and it's really annoying, you may ask what about Taehyung? isn't he getting jealous or something? the answer to that will be a big NO he doesn't give a damn about him and all his activities which is deeply upsetting. In conclusion, I hate work and I miss Taehyung and want to clear the misunderstanding but turns out he doesn't care anymore about me so what's the use in making a move to a person who doesn't care?

Today was a busy day I had an important meeting in the morning with the board members about the new clothing release, then I have to have a photoshoot for the new clothing, yes I started modelling too there was once a crisis and I offered to model and from that day on people liked my style and I started modelling and after the photo shoot, I had a little free time before an important dinner with my dad, he didn't tell me what it's about but he insisted me to come.

The meeting with the board members went on well and they say the new collection will become a bigger hit than the previous one which is great news but all the happiness drained out as I saw the next thing in my schedule, it was modelling sure my favourite activity but the only problem was I had to do this at Taehyung's studio as its a combined shoot with his and my company. I really was excited to see him but part of me was not really happy. My thoughts were cut off when I heard a knock on the door "Yes?" I said and my assistant none other than Jane came in "y/n there is someone who wants to meet you," she said and I nodded my head. In came a woman who was in her middle 50's but when I looked closely "y/n my dear how have you been?" that disgusting voice that I didn't want to hear echoed all through my cabin.

"Who the hell even let you in?" I said raising my voice and walked close to her "I'm glad you at least remember me," she said giving out a sad chuckle "How do you expect me to forget the face that left me and appa in pain and sadness?" I said tears starting to form in the corner of my eyes "I am sorry y/n for what I had done and I truly regret it but-" "Get out," I said gritting my teeth preventing my tears from falling "But y/n I have something important to tell you-" "Can't you hear me I said GET OUT," I yelled at the top of my voice causing Jane and the guards to come in "JUST THROW HER OUT," I yelled again and Jane immediately came beside me and held my hand she motioned the guards to take her away and they did so but she was struggling under their grip "y/n I know that you hate me but trust me your life is at risk please let me explain," she yelled but soon she was pulled away from my room and dragged out.

"I didn't know she was your mom y/n I'm sorry if I had known I wouldn't have let her in," Jane said with an apologetic look but I shook my head "It's ok can you maybe give me some time before we proceed to the next schedule?" I asked her and she nodded "Sure y/n take your time," she said and with that, she too left the room and that's when I started breaking down. Just when I thought everything was going well in life Taehyung broke up with me and now I had to meet my mom who also left me and dad for someone else. I cried for more than a few minutes making my eyes red and the tip of my nose also red. I just shrugged it off and proceeded to my next schedule which is at taehyung's company.

I got out of my car and started walking in with my puffy eyes and red nose, though people were staring at me I didn't care less "y/n are you sure you are going to model like that people might think you were tortured or something," Jane said but I shook my head "I have to Jane the deadline is almost here if the new catalogue doesn't release this week the sales won't go as expected," I said and she nodded understanding my situation. Soon I was outside Taehyungs cabin and I saw Eunji come out with a defeated face but as soon as she saw me she started adjusting her blouse and gave me a smirk which made me eye her up and down "Don't you have a place to be why are you always beside Taehyung like his side chick?" Jane asked with the same disgusted look on her face.

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