Chapter 12

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The next afternoon Tyler and Ryder showed up with three more bags of things. Ryder didn't look too thrilled to be there, but he would be stupid to make a comment seeing as Aries was much bigger and stronger, and he was on Aries turf. Then, Tyler handed me a wad of money. I looked up at him confused. "There is no way I had this much money."
He gave me a small smile and ruffled my hair. "No, you had a little over a thousand dollars, but I talked to all our brothers about what was going on and Zeke suggested we all help donate a little to you. You have about 4 grand here. Zeke and Xander donated the most. I know we haven't been the best brothers to you, but we do care. I'm sorry it took something like this to cause us to step up and treat you the way you deserve." My eyes began to mist up in tears and I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." I choked out. I had always been so sad and lonely without them. We used to be close when we were small, but gradually they became more distant the older they got. Tyler hugged me back gently. "You focus and you and the babies. Maybe we can visit again sometime. If it's okay with Aries that is. I have a lot of time to make up for. And I want to see these sweet little kittens born healthy and strong. If anyone can pull this off, it's you." I looked up at his sincere face and nodded. "Thank you Ty. That means a lot to me."
Aries grabbed me and pulled me into his lap. I smiled at the jealousy I felt coming off him. And kissed his cheek.
My eyes twinkled with amusement. "Don't worry, I love you the most." I giggled quietly.
And kissed his cheek again.
Ryder cleared his throat. I looked at him and wanted to laugh. He looked so incredibly awkward. I knew he was more firmly against Homosexuality than my brother was. But he seemed like he wanted to be understanding, and that alone meant something to me.
I smiled at him "thank you Rye for giving me some money, and for helping Ty bring all my stuff over. I'm sure you had better things to do. So I appreciate it. And I know with everything Silas taught us, this is an awkward situation for you. So I am appreciative of your efforts, despite everything." I told him sincerely. He just gave me an awkward nod if acknowledgment. "Your welcome." He mumbled. I knew he would rather be anywhere but here. But him even making an effort was nice. Maybe he would begin to come around.
Tyler spoke up, "we aren't going to mention to dad that you've moved out. I suspect he may not notice for a while. So if it's okay, I would like to keep your bank card for now, and I can bring you any more money he might deposit." I nodded in shock. I thought for sure Ryder would run to my dad and tell him everything. I looked at Ryder and he seemed to fidget with discomfort.
I gave a sad smile. "Ryder, did you already tell Silas?" He looked like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't even have a chance to answer Tyler was on him.
"What the Fuck Ryder! We talked about this last night! Why would you run your mouth?" I giggled at them Ryder looked like a scolded child.
"It's not my fault" he protested, "he texted me and asked where I was."
Tyler was indignant. "We talked about this Ry. We were going to tell him we went to a friend's house."
Ryder looked at his lap. "But lying to him just feels wrong. He's our king. And our dad. And it's not like we're that close with Skyler, I would rather He be mad at us than Dad." I smiled.
"Tyler, it's fine. I knew Ryder would tell on me as soon as he left here. He's always been too desperate for Silas' approval. He would sell his own children, or reject his own mate if he thought that would make Silas happy. I'm not mad." I said softly.
Ryder was pissed off by that comment. "I would never reject my mate. How could you even say that!"
I shook my head. "Ryder, what if the goddess gives you a sweet little male omega? What will you do?"
His face dropped. "I would never have a male mate."
I gave him a comforting smile. "You could. I did. But would you reject them because you couldn't love them? Or, would you reject them because you fear losing Silas' approval."
He sputtered.
"I have watched you Ry, you are very much Bi. I've seen the way you look at some of the guys at school. No, you would never admit it, but you aren't straight. I'm sure of this. If the goddess believes your perfect mate is male, how will you react? This is something you need to consider. Because I would hate to see you sad and alone the rest of your life, just to please Silas. His approval isn't worth sacrificing your happiness, you deserve better."
He got angry and stormed out of the house. But he never denied what I said. I knew he couldn't.
"Ryder is bi?"
I nodded sadly. "Yes. But he is far to worried about Silas, to ever accept this about himself. I know I should have just let him come to terms with his sexuality when he's ready. But I fear that by the time he's ready to accept himself he may have already destroyed every chance at happiness he has. He's always wanted to be loved by Silas. He has always done everything he can to get his approval. But your mate is Goddess given and a blessing. I can only hope this will be the one thing he defies Silas on."
Tyler sighed. "Do you really think his mate will be a male omega?"
I shrugged. "I have a feeling it will be. But I'm not god, I could be wrong. He seems to be gravitating more and more to a little male omega. Every time Niles is in the same room as him, Ryder focuses on him. I'm just not sure he knows why he's so drawn to him. Like I said, I could be wrong. But I suspect I'm not. The other problem is that Silas taught us this strength and power were the only traits that matter in a Were. And he's going to be fighting against those teaching too. Looking at Niles like he's inferior because he's not as strong as he is. Omegas have their place. But I am worried that the toxic teaching we learned as a child will ruin any chance Ryder has at happiness. I just really hope I am wrong."
Tyler groaned in frustration. "Great. So I need to set Ryder up with Pierce and force him to talk about omegas, same sex mates, and a bunch of other shit in the next two months, otherwise Ryder might end up ruining his life." I smiled and nodded.
He looked up at the ceiling in thought. "all right. Jesus, how did I end up having to save both my twin brothers" he groaned.
I just laughed. "I don't know. I guess you drew the short stick."
He smiled and chuckled quietly. "I guess so."
Aries spoke up. "If Silas ends up throwing him out of the Pride, Ryder will be welcome here. We have a number of Lions from your pride, that were thrown out for being mated to men."
My jaw dropped. "Silas knows there are same sex mates? But he throws them out? I just thought lions didn't usually have gay people"
Aries laughed "Of course Lions can be gay. It's not dependent on race, nationality, or species." I felt kind of dumb. "Oh"
He hugged me close. "It's fine Kitten. I know you just never saw any in your Pride. Don't feel bad." He cooed at me. I smiled at him, gods he was so sweet. How could I stay upset with him.
Tyler was upset. "Dad has really been kicking out lions because he disapproves with their Goddess given mates?" Aries nodded. "yes, we have four lion families in our pack."
"Jesus, you must have half werecats. A couple tiger families, four lion families, then me, if there's only 50 people in his pack. " He laughed. "no Kitten, I have about 50 families in my pack." My eyes widen. "50 families! You must have a bigger pack than Ours!"
He shrugged. "Possibly. We have about 200 people in our pack right now. But many are young couples who are still having children. We've been growing a lot lately."
"Fuck. And here I thought I was moving to a smaller, tight not community." I grabbed a joint and began to smoke my catnip. I needed to calm down. There was no point in stressing over this. Because it won't change anything.
People and socializing weren't my forte, but I guess it was time to learn.

"Well Skyler, I better get going. I am sure Ryder is ready to get out of here. I will try to drop by again in the future. And maybe I will even be able to bring the twins." I smiled. "thanks. That would be nice. I appreciate everything you've done for me."
He kissed my forehead and walked away.

I had a lot to think about. This pack was BIGGER than the pride I came from. Fuck. Well, I knew I would try to be the best Luna I could. I didn't want to let anyone down.
I could do this, I knew I could. Otherwise, the goddess wouldn't have put me in this position.
"While I'm stuck in bed, I might as well study everything you have on being a luna. I want to make you and this pack proud."
He smiled and kissed me tenderly on the lips. "You already make me proud. I couldn't have asked for a better mate." I blushed from the praise and smiled shyly. "Thank you."

He lay down and pulled me flush against his body. I loved laying on him. He was so big and strong and I never felt more save than I did while in his arms. He dwarfed me, but instead of making me insecure about myself I felt happy, content and comforted.
He kissed my lips and his mouth seemed to draw me in. Pulling me further into the kiss. I lost track of time and everything around me faded away. All that mattered was him. I placed my hands on the side of his face as I kissed him deeper. He never pushed up past kissing. But the moment was still just as meaningful. I could feel his love, and his devotion just in his kiss. And I loved belonging to him. I loved being cherished by him. And I could feel all of that, just laying in his arms.
The kisses slowed down and soon I drifted back to sleep.
It was unfortunate, but I slept almost all the time. My body was working overtime to heal me and keep my babies safe and healthy.
I wanted more than anything to see my kittens born healthy and strong. And I could only make pleas to the goddess that she would watch over them as they grew within my belly.

I believe that my lover gives me strength. The strength I need to help guide this pack. The strength I need to nurture and grow these babies. The strength I need to become the man I was meant to be. He was my rock, my fortress, my piller. And with him by my side, I knew I would be okay.

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