Chapter 4: Containment Breach and Meeting SCP-323

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Y/N's P.O.V:
I was sitting on my bed when the containment breach alarm went off. Two armored guards then came into my room and told me to come with them. I was then escorted out of my room and I was faced with another SCP. The guards then ran and I was alone with the other SCP. The SCP looked at me confused and said "Who are you?" I replied, "I'm SCP-000 but my actual name is Y/N." It looked surprised and it was still. It then asked, "Can you understand me?" I reply yes. I then asked it "Who are you?" It replied, "SCP-323 The Wendigo Skull." I said, "Well it's very nice to meet you." With my sweetest smile. It seemed to blush at my voice.

It then picked me up bridal style and said "Mine." 323 then saw a guard coming closer to us and 323 gently put me down before saying "Stay here." 323 then attacked the guard and began to feast on his flesh. I walked closer to 323 and it stared at me before asking me to come closer. I crouched down next to 323 and watched it eat. More guards came and 323 began to attack them too. A robot then came in and was about to shoot me but 323 got in front of me and took the blow. The host of 323 died and I was taken back to my cell and so was 323.

SCP-323's P.O.V:
After I was re-contained I couldn't help but think of the angel I had met during my rampage. She was perfect and beautiful beyond compare. I wish I could see her again.

Y/N's P.O.V:
After I was taken back to my cell I couldn't stop thinking about 323 and why it didn't attack me. I decided to just sleep it off.

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