About Galaxy

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-She can walk and talk, but chooses not to sometimes.

-She has a rare genetic mutation that altered her paint to appear in an almost galaxy formation, hence her name. It cannot be painted over, nor can it be removed.

-She is young, but wise because her Carrier and Sire taught her much about wars and other knowledge.

-Both of her parents are Veterans for the Decepticons, they did not fight anymore after her carrier, LunarSpace concieved Galaxy

-She is a sleek frame, therefore able to fly very fast.

-Her coloration faded to only being stripes and spots on her armor. It will fade no more.

-She is familiar with any language her parents were familiar with, because they taught it all to her.

-Before fighting, her carrier was a teacher for an academy.

-She is not as naive as other sparklings, led to believe she will soon die due to mutation, she was bullied by others for her coloration and her unusually sleek frame.

-She has been led to believe by others, not her parents, that she will never be a true seeker and fly fast.

-She is otherwise normal, but did not make it out of Vos during the second attack. They were halfway out when it all went to hell.


-All seekers protect their kin, kin comes first, Trine is second, duty is third

-Majority of seekers have a weakspot for younglings like Galaxy, and tend to bend to their whim.

-Starscream was Vos's ruler, and they all listen to his orders when it comes to kin ruling.


-Megatron was not cruel towards the seeker kin at all during this time. He and Starscream made sure they each knew their boundaries and that Starscream will not let Megatron rule his kin. Orders sure, but banishment or sentencing falls under Starscreams ruling.

[A/N Don't own picture]

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