pure fluff
Hufflepuff Lisa, Chaeyoung
Ravenclaw Jennie, Jisoo
Jennie Kim has been in love with Lisa Manoban ever since she laid eyes on her in their shared Care of Magical Creatures Class in their third year. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws were put together for this class since there weren't so many people who signed up for it.
So that's where she met Lisa and that's where she learned of Lisa's undying love for animals and just about any other magical creature. She was able to connect with them on a level that Jennie had never seen before. It touched her heart and before she knew it, she was falling for Lisa. But Jennie was never brave enough to actually act on her feelings.
Like Lisa, Jennie also had a soft heart for animals.
And she had a secret.
Jennie was an animagus.
She could change into a cat at will. Jennie loved it because she was a lot more free when she was a cat than when she was a human. She could stroll through the castle at night when she couldn't sleep and not even Filch was bothering her because he just thought she was someone's familiar.
Jennie knew the castle and the castle grounds by heart by the time she was in her seventh Hogwarts year. She knew every secret passage and she even ventured out into the forbidden forest sometimes. Her animal senses told her when it was safe enough to do so and when not to go.
It was a fateful fullmoon night though when Jennie's senses betrayed her. Animagi, just like werewolves, were influenced by the moon. Their animal side takes over more during a full moon and pushes back human thinking. And that's how Jennie ended up munching on some leaves that were definitely poisonous to her in her cat form.
When the moon was setting and she was on her way back to her dorm at the Ravenclaw tower she felt it. She felt sick. Nauseous. Like hell.
She tried to change back into her human form but it didn't work and that's when she got really scared. Nothing like this ever happened to her before. Her tiny stomach twisted in pain and she threw up right there in the corridor.
Why can't I change back? she asked herself, scared out of her mind.
But then she realized that she had never been sick before in her cat form.
She cursed inside her head. She got dizzy from the pain but kept on dragging herself further. She had to get back to her dorm. To Jisoo. She was the only one who knew about her and she knew what her cat form looked like. She had to get to her, so Jisoo could help her. But then there was a blinding pain in her stomach and Jennie blacked out.
When Jennie woke back up, she was very confused. She didn't know where she was. And she was still in her cat form. She slowly moved her head to check out her surroundings. She could sense that she was in no immediate danger. It looked like she was in a dormroom. For a second she thought she was safely in her own dorm with Jisoo but instead of the blue Ravenclaw curtains that framed the castle windows, there were yellow ones.
Where am I?
Her heartrate picked up again and she tried to get up but she felt how weak her body still was. She let out a little cry and of course it came out as a tiny meow. Then she felt something big shift behind her. Her ears perked up instantly and she turned her head around scared.
"Hey" a soft voice cooed. Jennie knew that voice before she saw her face. It was Lisa Manoban. Jennie's secret crush, Hufflepuff cutie Lalisa Manoban.
Oh my god, Lisa...
"How are you little one? Are you better?" Lisa spoke to her and softly patted her head.
Oh this feels nice.
Jennie couldn't help but purr quietly.
"You looked half dead when I found you last night..."
I blacked out. It hurt so bad.
Jennie meowed again trying to talk to Lisa. The Hufflepuff girl must have saved her life.
Lisa you are an angel. My angel.
"You're lucky I knew what to do." Lisa scratched her behind her ears. It felt nice and weird at the same time.
"You have to rest a little more and I'll be looking for the witch or wizard you belong to." Lisa voiced out her thoughts to Jennie. Lisa's face leaned down and got closer to Jennie, looking at her. "Do you belong to anyone? I haven't seen you around before." she traced the lines in Jennie's fur from her face over her head and down her back. Jennie let out another meow.
I must go back. Jisoo will be worried.
Lisa cooed at her again. "You are so cute! I wish I could keep you. I've always wanted a cat."
Jennie was surprised that Lisa didn't have a pet or a familiar. She was so good with the magical creatures they were taking care of in their shared class. Jennie shifted her position a little laying her head down on her front paws but she felt her whole body hurt all over. She knew instantly that she was still too weak to change back. She had to stay here for now. It was not like she didn't like it here. Of all the people who could have found her, it was Lisa. Beautiful, wonderful Lisa, who saved her life without even knowing who she was.
"Who is this?" she heard another sweet cooing voice coming closer. Jennie knew instantly that it was Lisa's best friend Park Chaeyoung. The blonde came around and sat down on Lisa's bed, reaching out a hand to gently pet Jennie's head.
Hi Chaeyoung
"I found her in a corridor last night. She must have eaten some poisonous plant or something... but she's going to be ok." Lisa answered.
Jennie purred lowly at Chaeyoung's ministrations.
"Poor thing!" the blonde shook her head.
"Have you seen her before? I think she might be someone's familiar." Lisa asked her friend with a soft look at Jennie.
"Can't say that I have... I can ask around though if you want." Chaeyoung offered.