𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀

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Date : May 1st-ish, 2021

Title: Meeting The Parents
Genre(s): Fluff + Angst

Anxious. That's the one and only word that would describe how the ravenette was feeling at the moment.

Today would be the day when he'd finally introduce his boyfriend of just about over two years to his parents. Now, of course, he was hesitant as he wasn't actually the one who wanted to introduce Jisung to his parents. Jisung didn't express much interest in going either but his parents had forced him to come home and introduce them to his partner.

The reason as to why he was currently sweating bullets was because knowing his parents, they would expect for him to have a girlfriend. And got knows how they'll react when they see that he was dating a boy. And not only just a boy, but a whole eboy. He grew up with a family that was completed dedicated to acting the finest and well-mannered they could be and so he knew that they'd freak out immediately upon seeing Jisung, who was the complete opposite of them.

"Hey baby, you doing okay?" Snapping out of his thoughts, he turned his head around to see Jisung, who gave him a smile as well as a back hug. "Yeah, I'm just nervous." Minho replied, earning a nod from the blue-haired male as he looked into the mirror which was riggt in front of them. He couldn't help himself and flat out checked out Minho in the mirror before smirking. He was indeed blessed to even been in the presence of Minho as the boy was indeed drop-dead gorgeous.

But then he noticed that something was off. Leaning closer to get a better look, he realized that Minho's neck was rather cleaner than usual. Tilting his head in confusion, he thought why that may be the case as just last night, he couldn't sworn he made love bites all over the ravenette's neck. But then he figured that the older most likely used make-up to cover them up and pouted.

"Why'd you cover up the hickeys?" He asked. Minho simply let out a sigh before putting down his eyeshadow palette and responding. "Well I can't just let my parents see them! They'll already get angry at me and will sure be angrier if they see my neck covered in love bites." Jisung looked at him with confusion and curiosity at the same time.

This was indeed going to be his first time meeting the ravenette's parents and it was no surprise that he didn't know anything about them at all nor how they looked. But even so, it brought out the curiosity within him as he didn't expect for Minho having to suddenly become all clean and sweet for them upon visiting. And so, as like any person, the more curious one gets, the more questions one shall ask.

"Gee, do they expect you to be all royal and well-mannered?" Jisung joked. But instead of earning perhaps a playful nod or so from the older, he only got back a rather bitter reply from the visibly stressed male. "Listen, we can't all just grow up to be reckless okay? It's been like this for a while now and unfortunately, they do expect me to be royal and well-mannered but that's just how I grew up." The blue-haired male was taken aback by that but figured that he deserved that as he was indeed being a tad bit ignorant with that joke of his.

But at the same time, he felt a little offended that Minho described him as reckless and all when it was in fact the opposite. Sure he may have grown up way more differently from the older but putting down another just to prove a point didn't seem to be the best option.

Jisung grown up in a rather toxic environment and a not-so-rich family. Not only that, he never really actually had a proper childhood. The only memories of his childhood that the younger could remember from were the bad ones in which he would be abused and hit here and there. It shook him to the core and spiked his mind with fears, causing him to almost cry every-time he'd think back to it. And so for Minho to practically brush it all aside and label it as reckless and way more light-hearted just made him feel a little worse.

Of course, he'd never bring out the hurtful expression with Minho around as he didn't want the older to worry more about him, much less than the whole meeting the family thing.


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