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Issac took a deep breath and started running after the car, and managed to reach the backseat window, and looked inside. He locked eyes with the 10 year old version of himself and started shouting at the top of his lungs, "STOP THE CAR, STOP THE CA-" He was cut off by the screeching, painful sound of a truck crashing into the side of his mother's car at 50 km/h.

Issac, with his face full of shock, saw his mother get impaled by a piece of metal and fall onto the side of the road as the car turned into a crumpled mess. "NO, NO, NO NOT AGAIN!" He cried as he ran over to his dying mother.

He clasped her hands and told her "Please, please, please don't leave me again, I love you, please, mom please!" He cried while choking on tears, unable to take it all in again.

He saw his mother draw her last breath as she smiled, knowing how much her son loved her.

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