"You guys, my friends, are going to change the world.
I just hope I am lucky enough to be able to see it."
"She's completely unexplainable.
You think she's the good girl,
but once you get to know her,
you realise she's everything.
She's crazy, she's funny, she's honest,
and you'll never know what she'll do next."
"You cannot heal your wounds,
if you are busy hiding them."
Ben Epstein
"Sometimes we put up walls,
not to keep people out,
but to see who cares enough to knock them down."
"I promise I will come back.
- You can make a promise,
but I'll never know if you have any intent on keeping it. -"
"All the secrets of the world are contained in books.
I've always thought you should never trust anyone who hasn't brought a book with them."
Lemony Snicket
"Happiness is beneficial for the body,
but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind."
Marcel Proust
"- Choose your last words wisely -
sneered the villain.
The hero lifted their head, trembling and whispered,
- I love you -."
"But that's the thing about being the girl who's spent years convincing the world she's not afraid of anything,
at some point, someone is going to fins out you're afraid of everything."
Ally Carter
Sorry for not updating in a while, School has been hectic with lots of exams for GCSE evidence.
I hope you like this mismatch, I have so many new quotes due to the break, so I can't wait to show you.

Quote collection (Sad and happy)
RandomA collection of my favourite quotes that I have come across, some written by me, others that I have found in books or on the internet. Some happy and inspirational. Others romantic. Others depressing. A mixture. (Should be posting one a day)