Ryxel and Karmale quietly walked home without the latter causing anymore child-like tantrums here and there. She was just silently walking behind him.
The silence was displeasing to Karmale but Ryxel didn't mind about it. All he cared about was that she was without any fuss walking to his place with her. He had won dominance over her. With only a few kisses.
Karmale walked with various questions in her mind... First question...
"Why am I walking home with this guy?" She thought but only she had the answer to that.
"I am actually not walking with him. I am following him." Her mind rearranged her sentence for her.
It's not like Ryxel had asked her this time to come home with him. No. This time she had actually followed him out of that park. He was not even holding her hand when they left. Since she so badly wanted to go back home, she would have taken her own direction. Involuntarily,she had followed him.
"I thought you wanted to go back to your place, Caramel. So why are you following me?" Ryxel asked stopping and turning to face the woman behind him.
"I---I" she slurred.
"You what, Caramel? You what?"
"I---I don't know, Ryxel."
"Hmmmn... I know I have that charm that makes all girls want to follow me but I didn't expect you to be one of them. How could you stoop so low?" He deadpanned.
"What? I am not stooping low, Ryxel." She frowned.
"Drop that pretty frown and turn back." He said but she didn't turn. Her eyes just moved to his hand that was pointing past her to give direction.
"That way." He pointed and turned her back with his hands on her square shoulders.
Karmale fidgeted with her fingers and then the hem of the big shirt she was wearing. She had not even the slightest knowledge of this place. Not even a clue of where to go to after walking away from Ryxel. What was she going to do? Why had she even wanted to run away in the first place if all along she didn't know the way?
Now her and Ryxel were standing back to back. From the time he had told her to go, neither of them had moved a step forward to embark on their particular journeys.
That gave her some hope."At least he is still here. I am sure he is going to drag me to his place with him." She thought.
She had his heavy footsteps leave the ground on which they both shared. She hastily turned back. He had started his dinstict path. He was moving away from her.
"I know he will stop. I won't bother calling up to him." She was thinking again with an aura of confidence. Firm and certain confidence.
He neither turned nor stopped.
"I know he won't take that turn without my hand in his." She thought but this time there was no confidence in her thoughts at all. It had been shaken. This time she was just praying from inside that he does not leave her there all alone. Completely perplexed and stranded. She was worried for if he was to stop and take her with; he would have done that already but he had not yet spared her even a glance from the time he had turned on her. She was scared. He was soon turning and now she had to think fast. Very fast before he left her there.
The first thing that came to her mind was to call up to him and she did just that."Ryxeeeel!" She called.
No doubt he had heard but he did not stop.
"Ryxeeeel, please stop." She shouted again but he did not stop so she decided to run after him.

General FictionCOMPLETE!!! Karmale leads a life of her own convinience. No commands. Away from family and close to a few friends. She is seasonal and uncontrollable. She flames with fury but has a weak spot caused by past relations. Relations that leave her desiri...