So hay guys I really want to hear your opinions, but nobody is writing in the comments . Thanks for 100+ reads I really aprriciate it I really want to hear from you and have your input in this book.-A
Today was the day. And by that I mean the day I meet Jacob's dad and the pack Yeah for me right . I know that I shouldn't be worrying because all I'm going to do is say "Hi, Heloo" then hangout with Jake the rest of the day. For Jacob well, yeah he gets to meet Charlie, talk to Renne, and to top this sundee with a cherry the cullens. For some really weird reason Edwrard is really protective me . H ekeeps calling my dsd and sking if I can come over, its really creepy because sometimes I can hear the anger in his voice when Charlie tells him that I'm at LaPush. Well forget that . Now what should I ware. I decided to ware a scarlet red shirt with lace on the sleeves and black jeans nothing fancy .
I looked out of my window and saw a jet black truck. I must of been Jacob and his father Billy. I went downstairs nervous as ever. I didn't know what to expect. From Jacob's description of his father is that he very nice,but I couldn't help feeling like he wouldn't like e or except me. I remember the conversation we had last night
." Jacob,but what if they don't like me" I whined trying to convince him to not let them meet me. " Baby, do you hear yourself? Your coming into a house full of werewolves and your worried about them likeing you. Don't worry, they will love you"
I was scared straight out of my daydream when I heard a car honk. "Dad, they're here" I told Charlie. He looked preoccupioed setting bullets into his shot gun. "Okay, send them in" "Dad,could you please put that thing away, your going to scare them away, and they could think that your racist" " Okay, I'll just wear my badge" I looked at him very annoyed. When I opened the door it wasn't Jacob and his father, but Dr.Cullen and his whole family. I was shocked, but my amusment soon ended when Jacob and his father pulled into the driveway. Edward's face was in a deep scowl and I swear I could hear a growl escape someones chest. JAcob had the same expession on his face and so did his father. " Maybe we should go inside" Dr.Cullen urged. "Maybe we should waitfor Jacobso we introduce ourselves,I don't want to seem rude" "I suppos your right" Dr.Cullen dipleased said.
When Jacob got out of the car I thought he would just run up to me, but he didn't . He went tot he back of the truvk and pulled out a wheelchair.I wonder what that is for? .The passenger door opened Jacob helped what looked like a a man , lder then Jcob but maybe Charlie's age. Jacob nver told his father was handicapped.I mean I would understand why he didn't tell,but I would not discriminate. The man, who I now know is his dad Billy, were coming towards the door. The closer they got the more the butterfles in my stomach fluttered. They fluttered. Fluttered until it felt like they were yellow Jackets that could not be contained in the nest thet was my insides.
When Jacob and his father reached the porch they were at a stand still. I saw Jacob stiffen,his muscles clench. His father had his eyes straight on the Cullens, never letting even the slightest movement out of sight.The Cullens had the same, or even worse expressions of their faces. Dr.Cullen had a stiff expression that was calm yet fierce. His wilfe had a expression that told that she was trying to be nice but on the inside was pure hatred. Alice,Jasper,and Emmet had the look of a person who was trying to say;"You cna't do anything,we have all thepower" ,but with a more serious attitude. Edwar was very jealous and angered.
" Hi nice to meet you, maybe we should hed inside" Isaid trying to claer the air.
"Yeah, I'm Jacob's Dad Billy. You can calle me that"
We went inside and the Cullens,except for Dr.Cullen sat together. Jacob and I sat together. Charle sat next to Billy.
"So, any you guys like to fish" Charlie asked very calmly.
"Yeah I fish from time to time" Billy responed.
They continued their converstion. Jacob casually put his arm around me,while he was doing that I swear I could hear a growl.
The rest of the night went pretty smoothly,well apart form Edward's eyes watching my every movement. When everyone left around 8. I was tired so I went upstares . About 20 mins later Jacob arrived. "You are going to meet my Pack tommorow he whispered
Sorry For not updating.PLZ comment becasue I want to here you thoughts on this -A
WerewolfIn twilight Bella falls for Edward and Jacob is her friend but what if Bella fell for Jacob the mysterious boy at Forks High and Edward was her friend. it's called Moonlight because this isn't twilight All characters are Stephine Meyer