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I didn't talk to anyone for a few hours, and there was no sign of Newt anywhere. 

I heard footsteps behind me after dinner and said, "I'm not talking to you. I'm done with-" I turned around to see Minho holding his hands up sarcastically. "I thought you were Newt." I grumbled, turning back to the fire.

"Ah," he started, sitting next to me. " he is really upset about what Thomas did." I rolled my eyes.

"I know. He pretty much suggested murdering him in the maze for kissing me. Why is that such a huge deal! Gally-" I stopped myself mid sentence and put my hand on my mouth. Minho's eyes widened.

"Gally did what?" He said moving so I had to look at him.

"Nothing." I replied, trying my best to seem like I was telling the truth.

"What did he do?" He asked again. "If you don't tell me I can just have Newt go ask Gally himself." He said smugly.

"No! Don't. It was the night that Alby gave me and Newt permission to be together, but I woke up in the middle of the night and went to go talk to Gally and he kissed me and I kissed back and then I left because I knew it was wrong and then Alby told me and Newt it was okay to be together." I replied quietly. 

He smirked at me. "Do you like Gally?" He asked, glancing behind me a moment then returning his eyes to mine.

"I don't know. I didn't but now that Newt and Thomas are fighting Newt has gotten to be different. I don't know what to do." I replied with my head in my hands. All of a sudden, two arms came from behind me and hugged me. I turned my head slightly to see Gally. I stood up and hugged him correctly.

"You heard that didn't you shank?" I said into his shirt.

"Every word." He replied. He looked down at me and looked as though he was about to say some thing when I grabbed his hand and was leading him to the forest. He started to say something but I shushed him and continued on. We got pretty far away from the rest of the Gladers and that's when he spoke.

"Why did you take me out here?" He asked, looking around.

"So I could do this." I replied, kissing him quickly then retracting. His cheeks flushed red and his eyes widened.

0p"What about Newt?" He asked, grabbing my hands and intertwining then with his.

"He's been different. I don't know what to do." I replied, and I put my head on his chest. We stayed there for a while but we decided it was getting late and went back to the fire. We separated so no one would expect anything and we both met up by the fire. I ran around the entire Glade to try and find Newt, but I found Alby instead.

"Alby! Where's Newt!" I asked running up to him.

"He's in the homestead." he replied, pointing to the large building behind me. I ran to it and walked up the stairs until I found him, head in his hands, sitting on his bed. I stepped into his room and sat next to him.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hi-" he was interrupted by the sound of a new Greenie coming up. Looks like I just got promoted. We both ran to the box and saw something completely unexpected. A girl. I exchanged a look with Newt. 

She sat up a moment, and screamed, "Thomas!" And she was unconscious after that. The med-jacks came and got hot out of the box and carried her to the homestead.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we're gonna need to talk to Thomas now." I said turning to Newt.

"No. You aren't going anywhere near him. Gally, make sure she stays away from Thomas while I talk to him." He replied sternly.

"I can totally outrun Gally, that's kinda why I'm a runner Newt." I said to him while he walked away. I rolled my eyes and walked over to where my hammock was. I layed down and swayed gently from side to side. 

"Carter?" Gally came and sat in his own hammock, glancing to me a moment then looking down at the ground.

"Yeah shank?" I replied with a smile. 

"What happened in the Forest. . . Did it, I don't know. . ." He trailed off. I sat up and swayed in a different direction.

"I don't know Gally, with another girl in the Maze and all this confusion, I assume she will be getting plenty attention from you guys." I said, putting my hand through my hair. He stood up and tried to say something but was interrupted by Clint.

"The girl! She's awake. She wants to talk to you Carter." He said between breaths as he had run over here. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go." I replied and ran to the homestead. I walked to the third floor to see that the girl was wide awake and alert.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked harshly the second I got into the room.

"Carter! I have missed you so-" she got up to hug me but I quickly pulled my knife out of my pocket and pointed it at her.

"Back up shank. How do you know me?" I asked stepping so my knife was almost touching her.

'We have a lot to talk about Carter.' I heard her voice but she hadn't spoken.
"What did you just do?" I said, stepping so the tip of my knife was at her throat.
"Before the Maze," she said quietly. "we were friends. You agreed to us having telepathy."
"I can respond?"
'Try it.' She said into my head again. I focused as hard as I could.
'shank? Can you hear me?' She smiled at me.
'My name is Teresa, not shank and yes I can hear you.'

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