Plasma Wings

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Just another friendly reminder that this is a work of fiction and although it does follow some My Hero timeline, it doesn't completely! This chapter is an introduction to Kaen's quirk, I'll go into more detail in the next chapter! Again, thank you for taking the time to read what my brain has come up with, lol. <3-Acid

Class 1-A stood on the soft dirt ground, awaiting instructions from Professor Aizawa. I stood a few feet away from the class, trying to distance myself, when I hear a sudden shout and running footsteps. "Kaen! Kaen, over here!" I turned in the direction of the footsteps and see Midoriya making a beeline for me. "That's weird.." I thought to myself. "Since when does anybody want to be around me?"

Keeping the curiosity off of my face, I calmly stated " Hello..Midoriya." struggling to remember his name yet again. "I'm so nervous and excited about this quirk assessment, aren't you?" he said as he finally caught up to me,a little too familiarly. I shrugged. " I suppose, I don't really care either way'll get the answer to your question at least." His big, round, green eyes sparkled with anticipation as he started rambling about what the test entailed.

Barely listening, I noticed another set of eyes on me so I turned in the direction they were facing. Low-and-behold, I saw a pair of red eyes absolutely seething in my direction. I scoffed , pulled my eyelid down slightly and stuck my tongue out at Bakugou. " Got something to say, Pomeranian?" I said in a mocking tone. I could've sworn I saw a fire light in his eyes as he practically spat at me, "DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT! And don't get in my way extra, I'M the one who's going to be number one!" He scowled at me and stomped off.

" You have a lot of nerve to talk to Kacchan like that, I admire it!" I heard Midoriya mumble next to me. I shrugged my shoulders, something I seemed to be doing a lot of today and merely responded with another scoff.

It was finally time for the assessment to begin,and the first few courses were simple. Some endurance, a race,etc. The real test came at the end. The quirk aptitude test. Professor Aizawa idly called students names one by one. " Bakugou, your turn." I turned my head slightly to see the blonde brat make his way to the circle. The point of the aptitude test was to see how far and with how much power you could toss a baseball. Simple enough.

"DIEEE!" Bakugou yelled as he launched the baseball into the sky using his explosive quirk. 705.2 meters blinked on the device Professor held. "Very nice. Midoriya, you're next." I look over to the timid boy who shyly walks past Bakugou and as he does, Bakugou shoves him. " Move it,ya damn nerd." Midoriya flinched but continued his walk to the center. I saw him inhale deeply with his eyes closed and when he opens them again, I can tell he seems more...focused.

With all his might, Midoriya focuses his quirk at the tip of his finger and shot the ball into the air. 705.3 meters. Midoriya looked relieved, maybe even a little bit happy. However, Bakugou looked like he was right on the edge of murder. I chuckled. "Good job, Midoriya. You managed to beat the Pomeranian." I high-fived my acquaintance as he beamed up at me. "Thanks, Kaen!"

"And last but not least I suppose, Kaen. Let's go." Aizawa shot me a glare as I took my time walking to the middle. I tossed the ball in my hand a couple times, testing its weight. I smirked and turned to my classmates. "If you value your eyesight, I wouldn't look for too long." I warned them and began to let loose my quirk. I shook my shoulders and unfurled my wings, the plasma from them still stinging my back slightly. Light teal wings unwrapped themselves from my body and I proceeded to extend them to their 4 foot wingspan. "Man it feels good to let them free." I thought.

There was a murmur from the class but, I paid it no heed. Instead, picturing in my mind the perfect wing-shape for this test. My teal wings took the shape of the Harpy Eagle, the strongest of the birds. They glowed slightly from the plasma, as well as the tips of my spiky blue hair. It was time. I gripped the ball in my hand and dashed upwards, making sure to stay in the circle. After a giant spin and a push of my wings, I released the ball into the atmosphere.


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