The Parents

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Your eyes started to twitch when you heard loud whispers and the moon light shining on you. "I can't understand how I didn't see that's why they wouldn't let me look for Y/n...I've lost them for good..."

"Severus we know you love Lily more, as long as that's true, Y/n and you wouldn't work."

"Narcissa still, what those Gryffindor's did to Severus was wrong. Imagine how different everything would be if he stepped in."

"Lucius! Seriously you two. Y/n is happy for once or have neither of you noticed. These past few years all Y/n has been doing is shutting everyone out for months. What Y/n needs is friends that support them not whatever jealous freaks you are!" You moved your legs trying to stretch but there was no room.

"I'm not jealous! Narcissa I could be beaten when I get home when the news of Y/n dating a random boy gets out!"

In a lower whisper Severus pitched in, "Shut it you two! Y/n is starting to wake up. Just forget about this stupid subject. We're almost there anyways." At that moment the train slowly stopped and it let out a loud screeching whistle. You sat up and acted sleepy as you stood and brought your trunk down. Remus was still sleeping so you took his trunk down first before tapping his shoulder to wake up.

"Remus, we're at the station." His eyes slowly opened then he quickly stood up and bumped into you and you fell onto Severus. You laid there for a moment then quickly fumbled up when you noticed Severus was staring at you, maybe blushing. "Oh sorry Sev. Sorry Remus, didn't think I'd scare you." You grabbed your trunk and Zem's cage before heading out.

"You didn't scare me, I just forgot where I was. Also you didn't have to bring my trunk down."

"After you helped me out on the train, it's the best I could do."

"You gave me a chocolate frog."

You raised an eyebrow, "Are you really going to argue over this now?" He smiled as he grabbed a cart and placed his trunk on it.

"You can put Zem and your trunk on, I'll push it."

You carefully stacked the trunks and put Zem on top before taking the cart and pushing it yourself, "Now then, where would your parents be?"

Remus started to push half of the cart and held your hand, "I usually meet my mom at the car, oh I really hope they read the second half of that article on you..."

"And if not you and I can tell them the truth." Remus stopped the cart next to a black car and a woman came out.

"Who's your friend Remus?" Remus pushed the cart towards the trunk and began to load the car.

"This is Y/n, my umm girl...boy..."

"I'm Remus's lover. I'm non-binary so it's hard to describe me as either a girlfriend or boyfriend." You stuck your hand out for her to shake and she hesitated but shook it.

"This must be new then, I'm his mother Hope Lupin. Just call me Hope sweetheart." She turned back to Remus, "Is Y/n staying with us? I mean I'm fine with it but we didn't get a letter."

"Sorry, it was last minute...we should get going, it looks like it might rain." Hope nodded then got into the driver's seat and you sat in the back with Remus.

After a slow and completely silent car ride you arrived at a cozy small house that reminded you of the house you grew up in except it was only one story. "Dinner's on the table, once you two bring your trunks in me and Lyall will already be eating." She turned off the car and went inside. You quickly got out and followed Remus to the trunk, grabbed your things, and went inside dropping everything off in his room.


"Will Zem be fine in his cage till after supper?"

You hauled your trunk besides the bed, "Yup, he was only allowed out once a week at McGonagall's." Remus then waited for you and he led you to the dining room. It was beautiful, it had a medium sized table in the middle, a cupboard filled with decorative plates and the dining table had a beautifully cooked steak with cooked carrots and bread on the side.

"So this must be the umm lover your Mom had just told me about. I'm Remus's father, Lyall. Y/n, you wouldn't happen to be that same Y/n Druid would you?" Remus and you sat across them and he slowly started to make your plate for you.

You gulped hard but kept your head up, "Yes sir, but please don't compare me to that monster."

"Oh sweety we would never. Based on what Remus and his friends quoted for the Daily Prophet, you are a kind individual." You nodded and slightly started to smile.

"Well that's a relief, Y/n do you want any gravy?" You looked at your plate and the food almost looked better than the food at Hogwarts.

"Just a little, you didn't have to make my plate." He drizzled the gravy then quickly made his plate.

"You've had a rough day and who knew how long my parents would talk to you."

You started to cut your meat and eat when his father looked up, "Y/n why don't you tell us your hobbies, maybe what you study or want to do after Hogwarts."

"Lyall let them eat in peace."

"Oh it's fine Mrs. Lupin. I don't have many hobbies anymore. I mostly just read but before recent events I was the Hufflepuff quidditch keeper. Oh and I mostly study Defense Against the Dark Arts and Care for Magical Creatures. I plan on dropping potions next year. Won't affect my dream career, I plan on going to the country and hopefully working in Newt Scamander's program."

"Oh those creatures are dangerous." She looked at Remus then back at you, "Oh but I'm sure a strong wizard like you can handle it."

"Not many students do Scamander's program. Not after all the injuries that come along with it." Lyall finished up his food then started to read the paper. The front cover was about Holly's disappearance. You then finished up your food and stood up.

"The food was delicious, I'm sorry to head off so early but it's been a long day." You started to walk to the bedroom and Remus quickly followed.

"Lyall can you conjure Y/n another bed. Remus's bed is far too small for the two of them." His dad stood up and walked down the hall with his wand in his hand. Once he came back out the two of you went into the bedroom which was now crowded with everything in it. "Oo yellow bedding, just like Hogwarts."

"He could've given you pink." You threw yourself onto the bed and Remus walked over and plopped next to you. "Padfoot and Prongs might come over tomorrow, they always do." You sat up and looked at him confused.

"Alright, these nicknames you four have. They have to do with your Animagus. James is Prongs because he's a uhh Stag. Sirius is Padfoot because he's a big dog. Peter is wormtail because he's a rat. Yours is Moony because you're a werewolf, but why the sudden nicknames?"

He sat up and kissed you, "You know that map, well we couldn't use our real names for it so we came up with those nicknames. Now sleep, my parents are early birds since they have work." He walked over to his bed and you had the urge to pull him back but instead you decided to climb into bed and go to sleep.

Since when was it winter again? You looked around and the white snow glistened on the ground and up on the leafless trees. You seemed to be by your usual tree at Hogwarts but there was no Hogwarts. You spun in a circle seeing if you could spot someone but there wasn't anyone. You started to walk away from the tree, "Y/n..." You froze in place and slowly turned to see Severus sitting on the floor. This has to be a dream, maybe a memory. This had happened before, after you saw him call Lily a mudblood. "Sev, it's alright I won't leave your side." You walked closer but the snowy outside turned into the school library. You were facing away from the table by the window, if it's another memory then... You went into a sprint to try to get away from this area. Without warning your arm was pulled and your lips were against Severus's. You were unable to pull away, you couldn't move. He finally pulled away and looked at you with wide eyes and tears. He went to speak but you stopped him, "I know, you still have feelings for Lily..." He looked at you confused and pointed at you in confusion as he backed away.

A life at Hogwarts (Marauders Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now