Tales SMP (Book 2):The beach episode

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The group arrived to the beach and played a bit of volleyball with George serving as the ball. After playing volleyball, the group saw a pirate ship nearby and swam towards it. Inside the ship, they discovered a chest with a journal belonging to a pirate named Blockbeard:


Captain Blockbeard's Journal Entry Number 1: If you're reading this, you either took over my pirate ship, or I died in an attempt to keep the secret of my all powerful treasure chest.

If you have either the power to take my ship over or the luck to stumble across it potentially during a Beach Episode in the Tales of the SMP, I believe it is safe to say you may be the right person to have the ownership of this elusive treasure. But, nothing as rare and sought after as these treasures should be easy to obtain, so i will send you on a bit of a treasure hunt to find it.

Your first step is simple; find a good use for this pressure plate and that will reveal the next step on your new fantastical journey


In summary, the first journal entry told the group that he left a treasure somewhere, and that they must follow his clues to locate where it is. Along the book inside the chest was a pressure plate, and they quickly figured out that the pressure plate must be used to open the iron door of the lighthouse.

After travelling to the top of the lighthouse, they found another journal entry by Blockbeard:


Captain Blockbeard's Journal Entry Number 2: Well done adventurers, you found the next step. But, enough excitement. This is only your first triumph. To get to your next destination, use this lighthouse and try and scout out the ship that had the unfortunate luck of encountering me and the boys. Arr!

I think as he sunk, his internal lantern flung out of his ship. Try and find it like that. Good luck


The entry indicated that from above the tower, they should find a lantern on the sea. The group easily discovered the lantern and a sunken ship with another chest containing another entry from Blockbeard and a pickaxe.


Captain Blockbeard's Journal Entry Number 3: Ahoy! Yes, Yes, it doesn't really make sense that one of my journal entries is in my opponent's pirate ship, but Karl was sick while writing this and couldn't think of an excuse, so don't overthink it!

Your next clue will be back at the local beach front within the lagoon. You'll notice a block out of place there, behind that block will be the next step. Be gone now!


The group then swam up to shore to look for the block. There, they located the lagoon and the chest hidden under a polished andesite with another entry.


Captain Blockbeard's Journal Entry Number 4: Ahoy! Boy do I love this lagoon! The beach is here, the normies hang out with their friends, the volleyball, everyone playing loud music, getting sand in my eyes, not allowing me to lay on the coast with them, I hate this lagoon!

Travel on the coast towards and beyond the pier, till you come across the much much better lagoon. You'll see why it's much better, and when you do you'll come across the next clue. Go on now land lovers!

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