•Chapter 34• Normal Life

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Parker woke up from her slumber. Rain was ticking against the window. She sat up, holding the covers against her chest. She was about to get up when a groan sounded next to her. Parker glanced down to her right. Young Bill was slowly waking up. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Don't go." He said. Parker glanced down and smiled. She puts her hand on his head and plays with his hair. "I have to go home." She tells him. Young Bill turns his head to look at her. "No, you don't. It's raining." He pointed out. Paker leaned down and kissed his head. "You know what my father is like." She said. Bill sighed loudly. He sits up. He brushed his thumb over her exposed shoulder. "I do." He tells her, "I just don't want you to go." He added. Parker brushed his nose against his. "You'll live." She giggles. Bill kissed her shoulder. "I don't think I can. Not without you." He tells her. Parker blushed at him. "Move in with me," Bill said. Parker tilts her head. "What?" She chuckled. Young Bill smiled at her. "Move in with me." He repeated. Parker scooted back slightly. "Move in with you?" She questioned. Bill tilted his head and put his hand over hers. "I have this whole house to myself. I'm all alone. And you're here almost every day anyway." He pouted at her. Parker puts her hand on his cheek. "My parents won't like it." She tells him. "I only care about you. What do you think?" He asked her. Parker thought about it for a minute. "I mean, I would love to. But I'm seventeen. I can't just drop everything and leave. I like it at my parent's house." She says honestly. Bill nods slowly, lowering his head. Parker pulls up his chin gently. "Can I think about it?" She asked him. He nodded in response. Parker smiled at him. She kissed him briefly. Parker got out of the bed and got dressed again. She picked up the black leather jacket from the floor. She slung it over her shoulder. "I'm keeping this." She tells him. Bill smiled at her. "Take it. You'll look cute in it. Give me a sec. I'll take you home." He tells her. 

Jade looked at the jacket that hung on the rack. She couldn't imagine her mother wearing it. And yet, she did. To Jade, Parker always seemed like a colorful person. She wore black, but never jackets like that. At least, that's what she could remember. Jade turned around in the hallway. She made her way into the kitchen. Her three brothers were cooking together. Jade sat at the little bar. She leaned her elbows on the counter. "Hey, guys?" She said. The three looked up at her. "Do any of you recall mom wearing that jacket of hers?" Jade asked them. The three boys looked at each other with questing looks. "No, I don't think so." Jerry answers. Jade tilts her head slightly. "Really? Not even once?" She asked. The three boys shook their heads. "Why?" Jack asked his sister. Jade shrugs and plays with her hair. "Just wondering." She answered, "Do you think she would mind? That I wear some of her clothes, I mean." She asked. Jack smiled and shook his head. "I don't think she will. I mean, you look the most like her." He replied. Jayden looks at his brother. "And she's a girl. We can't wear mom's clothes." Jayden said. "That explains so much," Jack said. His eyes were wide. Jade couldn't help but laugh quietly. Jerry looked at Jade. "I had to deal with this for weeks." He informs her. "Lucky bastard." Jade joked. Jerry rolls his eyes at her. He turns back to the stove. "By the way, I'm going out to meet Andrew later." She informs her brothers. "Wow, wow, wow," Jerry said as he turned back to her. Jayden and Jack also focused back on their sister. "You're going out with Andrew?" Jayden asked her. Jade nodded in response. "Yeah, no," Jack said. "Why not?" She questioned. Jayden leaned on the counter. "Because it's a school night." He answered. "And?" She asked. Jerry folded his arms over his chest. "Don't you have homework to do? Studying?" He asked. Jade shook her head. "Finished it two hours ago." She informs them. "You're still not going out. Not tonight." Jayden said sternly. Jade raised her eyebrow. "You're not the boss of me." She chuckled, "And Uncle Louis said it was okay." She continued. Jack walked up to her from behind the counter. He stood behind his sister. "Where are you two going?" He asked her. Jade glared at him over her shoulder. "You don't have to know." She replied. Jack glared back at her. "Actually, we do. If something happens, we'll know where to look." He tells her. Jade rolls her eyes. "We're just going to the diner and get a milkshake. It's no big deal." She tells him. "Do you have protection?" Jack asked. "Jack!" Jade complained. 

Later that night, Jade and Andrew sat in the backseat of the car. Jade happily sipped her vanilla milkshake. Andrew smiled at her. Jade noticed and looked at him. "Why are you smiling at me?" She asked him. The boy shrugged and blushed slightly. "Can't I just admire you?" He asked her. Jade's cheeks burned up. "I guess." She whispered. Andrew took a few sips of his milkshake as well. It was quiet in the parking lot. Sometimes you would hear a car speed by, but other than that it was quiet. Jade rests her head on his shoulder. She sighed happily. "I enjoy these little dates we have." She tells him. Andrew smiled at her. "I'm glad you like them." He said, "And I really like you too." He added. Jade glanced up and smiled at him. "I really like you too." She tells him. "Hey, I have been meaning to ask you something," Andrew said. "Yes?" Jade replied. She took another sip of her milkshake. "Where's your mom? Like, you've never talked about her. And everyone knows who your father was." He said. Jade glanced down at her lap. "I didn't know her very well. She died when I was very young." She explained, "I don't like to talk about it. At least not now." She added. "Oh, yeah, of course. I am so sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad or anything." He started to ramble. Jade giggled at him. "It's okay. I'll tell you some other time. I promise." She said, cutting him off. Andrew smiled at her and kissed her head. She sits up again. "How's Megan by the way?" She asked him, "Any more news?" She continued. He shook his head. "Nothing new. But I called her after school and she sounded happy. Not scared or traumatized." He tells her. "Good for her." Jade smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad it's all over. Now we can go back to our normal lives." Andrew replied. Jade nodded slowly as she stared outside the window. "Normal life." She whispered. She looked back at Andrew. "Hey, can you do something for me?" She asked him. 

Meanwhile, Jayden sat in his room. He was staring at the house across the street. He looked straight into her room. The curtains were still wide open. The lights were on. He saw Megan in her room. She was sitting on her bed reading something. He picked up his phone and called her. He watched as she removed her eyes from the book. She reached over and grabbed her phone. "Hey." Her voice sounded, "What's up?" She asked him. Jayden shrugged. "I just wanted to talk to you." He tells her. Megan stood up from her bed and looked outside the window. He could see her smile slightly. "About what? How you're spying on me?" She asked. He shook his head. "Are you okay? I mean, after everything we've put you through-" He started. "I'm fine, Jayden." She assured him. A few seconds of silence followed. "Are you okay?" She asked him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He replied. He looked at her. "Hey, I wanted to apologize. For everything that happened." He tells her. "The kidnapping or you punching your brother for kissing me?" She asked him. "All of that. But mostly the kidnapping. He kind of deserved that punch." He replied. Megan chuckled at him. "I'm sorry about everything." He tells her again. Megan smiled at him. "Apologies accepted." She tells him. Jayden smiled. "Great, uh...hey, do you maybe...want to grab a coffee? Somewhere this week?" He asked her. "My kidnapper is asking me out on a date. How original." Megan said. Jayden shrugged. "I don't have to be your kidnapper." He said, "I could be your boyfriend." He added. Megan laughed at him. "Very smooth." She said, "Alright. Tomorrow morning." She tells him. Jayden smiled. "Great." He said. 

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