1: Mission

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I walked through the halls of Shield headquarters. The white walls surrounded me as I looked up at them. It was quiet this morning. More quiet then usual. I passed by room after room before reaching the elevators. I pressed the button and stood there soaking in the silence. It had been a while since I had been around such tranquility. Busy New York streets took over my life for the past few years.

The elevator beeped and the doors slid open. A tall thin bald man stood in the lift looking at some files. The man looked up and nodded at me. He was Agent Coulson, another person that worked closely with Fury. I gave him a slight nod before walking into the room fully. I turned around as the doors closed in front of me. We stood in the elevator silently. I could see Coulson shift awkwardly in the corner of my eye.

"Interesting file you have here. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous. I've always wanted to meet Captain America." Coulson said breaking the silence. "So how does it work?"

I looked at him confused. I just woke up and it was too early for a million questions.

"How does what work?" I asked back.

"The whole phasing through time, thing. How do you do it?" He emphasized. I took a deep breath trying to think of the best way to explain. I didn't take my eye off the door as the light seeped through our glass surrounding.

"It can go one of two ways. I can phase my entire body quickly." I said. I took another deep breath. I felt my entire body move slightly. "Its like a flash. I can start one place." I suddenly appeared on the other side of Coulson. "And end up in another spot in an instant." Coulson quickly turned to his side and jumped back a bit. I loved doing that to people.

"Or," I continued, "It can be like going to sleep. I focus on a certain place and time. I close my eyes, and it like my soul leaves my body. Suddenly, I'm in a new place. With a body like mine and all. When I sleep in that time, I wake back up in my actual body." I smiled at Coulson as he looked at me amazed. I watched as he nodded slightly trying to take in everything. Though things like this weren't new to him, it still took him off guard.

"So..." Coulson shifted away and looking back down at the file, "Whos the guy?" He tilted the file over a bit so I could see the picture. I looked over seeing the same picture Fury showed me last time. Me and the mystery man named Bucky. I shook my head and rolled my eyes as Coulson closed the file.

"I haven't met him yet." I said simply looking back at the doors in front of me. Coulson nodded. The elevator stopped. A ding could be heard around us before the doors slowly opened. Coulson stepped to the side and motioned his arm out for me to go out.

"Thank you." I said as I stepped out. Before the doors could close I turned back around at Coulson. "By the way your Cap cards are slipping out of your pocket." I smirked as the doors closed slowly in front of me. I could see Coulson's face drop a bit as he frantically shoved a hand into his pocket. I couldn't help but chuckle as the doors closed completely.

"Agent Black." I heard a voice behind me say. I quickly turned around as Fury walked over towards me.

"No smile today?" I asked sarcastically. Fury shook his head as I continued to walk towards a room down the hall. The silence I had in the upper floors were gone now. People fluttered around this floor like mad men. Fury followed behind me as I headed to my destination.

"So you know the lay down at this point. You've gotten your clearance done already into working with Peggy Carter. Stay by her side as much as you can. Today you will meet with Doctor Erskine. He will give the serum to Cap sometime soon. We need you to understand the super solider serum before we wake Cap completely." He kept talking as we kept walking. We had been over this over 100 times at this point. I've traveled back so many times getting my self set up in the 1940's.


"Befriend Cap, so that way we can slowly get him accustomed to this new time." He continued. I nodded as we stopped in front of a door. "Having a familiar face may help him." I looked over at the door ready to go in. I just wanted to get this over with. Shifting back and forth had become exhausting on my body. I grabbed the handle of the door, getting ready to pull it open. Before I could Fury's hand slammed against it, pushing it shut. I glared up at him annoyed.

"One last thing." He said point his finger at me. My chocolate brown eyes glared daggers into him. What else can there be at this point?

"Yes....Father?" I replied sarcastically. Fury looked at me with disgust. Knowing it was a joke still bothered him.

"Don't say that its weird." He said quickly. I rolled my eyes at him as he pointed his finger at me once more, "Don't fall in love with that guy. You're not going to like how it ends." I looked at him confusingly. What could that even mean? I scoffed and nodded my head as a smirk landed on my face.

"Please, I don't have time for any of that." I said simply. Fury removed his hand from the door. I gripped tight to the steel handle and opened it up. The room was surrounded by plain white walls. Just a simple hospital bed laid in the middle of the room with monitors around it. I took a deep breath and laid myself on the bed. I looked over to my right where a large window that connected to another room. Inside it stood Fury with a couple of doctors.

Every time I was in here they stood there monitoring my heart, and everything else. If an issue happened they'd pull me out immediately. I began to attach the monitors onto my chest and some wires onto my arms.

"Ready when you are." I heard Fury over the intercom.

"I'm ready." I said simply. I took one last deep breath before closing my eyes and drifting off.

✪  ✪  ✪


My eyes shot open as I woke up in a different room. The bed was slightly more comfy then the hospital bed I was in earlier. Slightly. I sat up slowly as my head began to spin. I always felt like that after a large phase like this. I steadied my breathing as I turned my body around and hung my legs over the bed. I managed to get myself a nice place here. A two bedroom apartment in New York wasn't half bad.

I looked around the room before standing up and stretching. I had one last day here before Steve gets sent off for "testing". I rolled my neck then looked over at the night stand beside me. Sitting on it was an advertisement for an exposition. "World of Tomorrow" it read in big letters. Today was the day Erskine approached Steve...according to the files they gave me. I looked over at the dress I had hanging on the door of my bathroom. Time to make myself look like I belonged here.

I made my way through the busy crowd of the event. Everyone stared in amazement at the stage as a young Howard Stark showed off his newest tech. Just like his son. I had seen his son, Tony, show off his own tech, some of it we used for Shield. I looked around the crowd trying to find my place. It was weird being in a different time.

People laughed, drank, and danced around me. Everyone seemed so happy despite a war going on in the world. I continued to move through the crowd, clutching my jacket around me. I suddenly felt a hard bump hit my shoulder. It pushed me back a bit but before I could react I felt a hand grab my arm.

I quickly whipped around, and my heart skipped a bit seeing the person holding my arm. He was a tall handsome man with short brown hair slicked back into his hat. He was wearing a green army uniform. He smiled at be brightly as he held on to me. It was him. The image of us in the picture flashed in my head as I stared at him. I wasn't sure how to react. I wasn't expecting to meet him this quickly.

"Sorry about that, doll." He smiled. His voice was low and like velvet. One thing the picture did not do justice...his beautiful blue eyes. I could get lost in them so easily. I mean I already was. I could feel my breathing shorten a bit. I've never reacted this way to anyone before. Was it because I already knew we were going to be close?

"That's okay." I smiled back. He slowly let go of my arm as we both continued to stare. "Excuse me." I said simply before beginning to walk away. Before I could he called out to me again. I turned around locking my brown eyes to his beautiful blues.

"Have we met before?" He asked casually. His eyes squinted at me as if trying to search his brain for a memory. I looked at him surprised. We must've had some crazy connection if my presence is affecting him like this.

"No, not that I know of." I answered sweetly with another smile. He just continued to stare as if searching for a different answer. I just couldn't get over how handsome he was. He nodded before reaching out his hand, realizing he may had been staring too long.

"James Buchanan Barnes, my friend call me Bucky though." He said. I looked at him for a second before reaching my own hand out and grabbing his. His hand was so soft but the grip was strong.

"Layla Black." I said as we shook hands. Bucky continued to stare some more has he slowly let go. His finger grazed my palm lightly like a feather. It sent shivers down my spine.

Don't fall in love...

Fury's words kept kept echoing in my head. God, has he seen what this man looked like? Any girl would fall head over heals in a second. I couldn't help but chuckle as he looked around then back at me.

"Look, this is a little out of the blue, but you want to go get a drink and chat." He asked as a small smirk landed on his face. I couldn't help but smile at it. My god was it tempting. I needed a way out immediately. Luckily my wish was answered.

"Hey Sarge!" Another women's voice yelled from behind him. "Are we going dancing?" I looked over to see two women hanging back behind the crowd. Both of them were beautiful, which was no surprise. One girl waved her hand excitedly at Bucky. Bucky turned sighing a bit noticing he messed up. He turned back at me looking a little nervous.

"It seems you already have plans." I said nodding my head towards the two women. Bucky took a deep breath as I shoved my hands into my coat pockets.

"They don't have to be my plans." He said quickly.

I smiled at him as I began to walk backwards away from him. I didn't want to leave but I had to meet with Doctor Erskine.

"It was nice to meet you Bucky, but unfortunately I have somewhere to be." I smiled. I couldn't stop staring at him. I didn't want to break away. Bucky reached out getting ready to stop me but realized there wasn't a chance. I couldn't help but give him a sly smirk.

"I'll see you again, Soldier." I said teasingly before walking off and disappearing into the crowd. I looked back realizing he was still standing there watching me walk away. A soft smile landing on his face. I couldn't help but smile at myself.

Don't fall in love...

You're going to be a dangerous one James Buchanan Barnes.

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