«Emotions and the side effects nobody warns you about»

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some cry with tears,others with thoughts.

-Octavio Paz

Anyone can make you smile,but not everyone can make you happy.


Dead people recieve more flowers than living ones because regret is much stronger than gratitude

-Anne Frank

Have you ever wanted to cry but no tears will come out ,so you just stare blankly into space while feeling your heart break into pieces.

-Famous Last words

A/N: that is all I have for today I really hope these poems so far are helping with whatever it is that you need help with if you have any questions or just want to talk about ANYTHING, You can PM me on here or I can give you my personal email and we can do that I dont want to sound like a therapist or anything but meantal health is highly important I went through a time where I was constantly depressed and would hide it behind a smile so others wouldnt see my pain and it affected me so much i would fat shame myself and bring myself down there was even a time where I would hurt my self not just mentally but physically,there are still times where I do so I have an understanding of the emotions people go through  so if you want you dont have to feel free to pm me  or dont but take care of yourselfs

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