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I woke up to Cara jumping on the bed. "your such a child" I said throwing a pillow at her and turning over to try to go back to sleep. "wake up wake up wake up" Cara repeated while hitting me with a pillow. I turned over and looked her in the eyes, "Run." I said not breaking eye contact. "Ahhhhhh" Cara yelled while jumping off the bed nearly falling. I chased her into the kitchen.

The boys were already in there drinking coffee. Cara hid behind Jack. "Aye why am I your sheild" Jack said. "Cara I just want a good old sister hug." I said moving closer to her. "Oh a hug?" Cara asked. She then grabbed a spoon from the table. "uh oh" I said running behind Alex. Cara put down the spoon laughing. I tried to reach for the spoon but instead slipped and fell. We all laughed, so hard that we couldn't breathe. Jack was filming us all out of breathe from laughter. We all caught our breath.

Cara gets a call from Niki. "Hey how are you guys?" Niki asks. "We're all good how about you guys?" Cara asked, while setting up her phone. I walked over to her. Alex put on a Spanish song, it was a slow song so Cara and I started slow dancing. "Awe you guys are the cutest sisters ever" I heard Niki say from Caras phone. We laughed as Cara spun me, we bowed at the camera. "Y/n Why havent you been answering your phone? I called you and Wilbur texted you but no answer." Niki said sounding a bit concerned. "OH YEAH, well all these bitches stole my phone and I don't even know where it is." Niki giggled. "They took it so I wouldn't text Tommy back," I said stoping myself, but a little too late. I remember that Tommy had been staying with Niki and Wilbur for a few weeks. Niki looked up and ran into a different room giggling. "Well Tommy might have heard that." Niki said trying not to giggle. I sat there with my hand over my mouth. "Welp i'll talk to you later Niki" Cara said before hanging up the phone.

I started laughing from embarrassment. "Well you can have your phone back but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don't do anything stupid." Alex said handing me my phone while laughing.

Jack and Alex had left a few days ago now. I haven't even opened any messages from Tommy because I was scared if I was being honest. I open Tommy's messages.
                 (Instagram DM's) Tommyinnit
Tommy: *Replied to story* Fort night
Tommy: *sent story* (Alex's post from our dance part) You look like your having fun!
Tommy: *Sent story* (Jacks post me laughing on the ground) You look happier Y/n.
                  (Imessage) Big T🥳
Tommy: Since your ignoring me here's what I want to say. Y/n I was never mad that you didn't like me back, I was mad because I thought I had fucked up. I was mad because I because I thought we were getting close to finally being together but I fucked it all up. I know your mad, you don't even have to respond but please just listen to what I said.
Tommy: *Video* (the one niki took of you and Cara dancing over facetime) You truly look happier.

I stared at the messages. I didn't know how to respond, so I didn't. I got up and made a cup of coffee. I walked into Caras room. She was getting ready to stream, I dropped my phone infront of her with the messages from Tommy open. "Help. Please." I said to her. She looked at the messages, I couldn't tell what she thought of them. "Well I can tell he's sorry, but Y/n If in being honest this last week you have been the happiest that I've seen you for a while." Cara said glancing up at me. "Because I had comfort. I was surrounded by my best friends all week." I said as I sat down on her bed. "How do you feel about this then?" Cara asked me. "I don't know that's why I'm asking you so you can tell me how I feel." I said with a slight smile. "You know what alright. Then you feel that his apology was sweet but you don't want to see him, or date him." Cara responded. "No no no, the opposite." I said back to her. "There you go, that's how you feel. You obviously want to talk to him." Cara said while standing up. "oh your good" I said to Cara with a smirk. "I know I am." Cara said sarcastically while giggling.

I thought of what to respond with, for a really long time but no luck. I had no Idea what to say, If I should respond or call him. I sighed and turned off my phone before heading into the kitchen for dinner.  Cara had ordered sushi for us. I sat down and began to eat.

We finished eating and we were just sitting on the couch watching TV. All of the sudden I got it. I knew what I needed to say back to Tommy. I got up and ran into my room and turned on my phone. I opened Imessage and began to type. I typed and typed before reading it back to myself and fixing little mistakes. Before I could press send I hear a voice behind me. A familiar voice, a comforting voice. I turned around and looked at the doorway.

Cliff hanger!!!! Anyways I hope you guys are enjoying this story, please leave feedback in the comments!

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