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Jisoo's POV.

Suho's eyes glinted with hope the second he registered who was creeping into the apartment. That hope faded almost immediately when he didn't see his expression mirrored back to him in my eyes.

"I didn't think you'd be here," I grumbled apologetically.

The bags underneath his too tired eyes seemed to be weighing his face down and the redness in them overwhelmed the radiant chocolate brown. It made me feel physically sick knowing that I spent the last couple of hours sulking over the fact that Lisa refused to touch me, and then being served by her while Suho smothered himself with the pain of my awful mistake.

"I'll come back later," I suggested.

Suho laughed deliriously. "I'll still be here when you come back."

I arched my brow bemused.

"I'm not going to make this easy on you Jisoo. You deserve to feel what I have been since you left me."

I tried to slip passed him but he blocked my path. "I'm sorry."

"I don't want your fucking sorry!!!" Suho fumed.

I jumped back instinctively.

"What do you want then?"

"I want my wife back."

I felt an unmistakable pang in my gut.

"You shouldn't want me back after everything I've done."

"We have something good here."

I stared down at my feet. "It's not worthwhile Suho. You weren't even going to fight for us until you spent one night without me and felt how much it hurts to lose me. I'm sorry for betraying you. I'm sorry for hurting you, and how this marriage ended but I can't be sorry that I'm in love with her," I exclaimed.

He looked as if he'd been stabbed in the heart. "I didn't fight because I had faith that you'd come back to me!"

"You took me for granted. You treated me like a trophy wife. I wasn't happy."

"So, that's it?" He blubbered trying to hold back the pain. "You're shacking up with her?"

My teeth clenched automatically at his words. "Actually, I'm not. I've decided to stay in a hotel until I can find somewhere else to live."

I made my way to the master bedroom, and into the closet. I retrieved a suitcase and started quickly, folding articles of clothing and stuffing them neatly into a suitcase until it was overflowing. I knew Suho was standing in the doorway watching but I didn't dare look up.

"I don't want you to leave," he muttered in a gentle voice. It was so soft I wasn't even sure I heard him correctly.

My hand was quivering uncontrollably but I couldn't let that stop me from packing.

"You'll find someone better for you than I am."

He laughed without humor. "Do you think there's someone out there better for me than you? There's no one in the world better for me than you."

I lifted the suitcase off the bed and I crept toward him dreading what would happen when I attempted to slink past him. I inched closer feeling the lump in my throat expanding. My legs were so heavy moving with any conviction was impossible. I didn't want my eyes to leave the floor but when they did I saw the tears sliding down his face.

My fingers were so slippery from sweat that the suitcase slipped out of my hand. Before I could change my mind I locked my arms around his lean frame to comfort him. I could feel the wet tears in my hair as he kissed the top of my head.

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