The Inturrupted Conversation

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Everyone came and me, Sans and Frisk had them sit down.

"So why's we get invite- Oh my goodness.." Asgore said, noticing his son.

"Hi dad."

Everyone flipped out, seeing the once dead prince of the Underground infront of them

"Is this why we were called here?" Undyne asked.

"Not at all." Sans said, a serious look on his usually goofy face.

"You probably won't believe us, but this is the truth." I said.

Everyone looked at us.

"So, the Underground is special. Whoever posseses the most DETERMINATION here can reset time from when they first came here." Sans started.

"That's me now" Frisk put in.

"Frisk has been resetting time for about 30 years. Many different kinds of routes have taken place. Genocide, Neutral, Pacifist. Frisk has finally decided to destroy the reset button, so that no one can reset time, and ruin what we'd worked up to." Sans said.

"But, during the 30 years of reset, time on the surface didn't move. It only worked in the Underground. When she fell down, she'd been resetting, not realizing time hadn't reset there." I explained.

"Apparently, I've been missing for 30 years." She told everyone.

"And in that time, human HATERED had grown. Humans HATE monsters, and the 0.01% that managed to stay up there is slowly being eradicated. 30 years after she went missing, the humans found a small monster villiage at the base of Mt. Ebott, and thinking the monsters killed her, they killed everyone there. It was my villiage. Everyone but me died. They chased me and I ran up Mt. Ebott, knowing they'd never follow. Now, we're here."

The room went silent.

"We can never go to the surface.." Asgore finally said to the quiet group.

No one argued.

"I'm sorry, guys. I really am. If humans weren't terrible, you cou-"

I felt a sharp pain in my back go through me and out my chest. I fell forward, my legs weak. My eesight went blurry, and black goo oozed out my mouth.


Well, isn't this funny, Y/n? Right in the middle of a room full of monsters. Time to kill.

"R-run.. please.." I said weakly.

Frisk, Sans and Asriel knew exactly what was going on. They rushed everyone out. Sans and Frisk stayed in though.

"Kid," Sas told Frisk, "SAVE. If anything happens to you or me, reload from this point."

I coughed up more goo, and I blacked out.

I woke up in a black, void-like place. Chara stood infront of me.


I stayed silent.

"Well, you don't have to talk. You won't be able to stop me in any way. I found how to neutralize your soul Y/n. I can take control whenever I want."

I felt scared. A burning sensation was in my throat, and tears formed. Chara disapeared, and a small screen appeared. It was what Chara saw from my body.

She got up and walked to the kitchen. Grabbing a knife, she walked back to Sans and Frisk.

"Hello, Sansy~"

Sans started a fight. Everything went black and white. My soul was pulled out, but it wasn't mine. It was black and dripping. Sans summoned bones and tried to cage me. Chara evaded this. Using her knife, she cut down the bones coming at her. Every time he hit her, my own HP went down. My body in my mind reflected the body Chara stole. The cuts that appeared on her appeared on me. 

"Stop! Leave him alone!" I yelled, but nobody came. :)

Chara smiled, and lunged at Sans, who was exausted from battle. The knife hit him. A jagged gash across his chest. Blood dripping. Sans dropped to him knees, blood trickling from his mouth.

Suddenly, we were back at the beginning. Chara grabbing the knife, Sans starting the fight. Everything was the same, but this time, when Chara lunged at him, Sans chuckled.

"What, you think I'm just gonna stand there and take it?"

I noticed Frisk in the corner by a small yellow light.

She reloaded and saved Sans..

I breathed a sigh of relief. Chara fought hard. And Sans harder. But, something changed it all.

"Ah this pain. It makes me feel alive. You know who else feels it?"

Sans looked at her, staring at her with black eyesockets.

"Your little girlfriend. Every hit to me damages her too. You're killing her, Sans~"

Sans's face changed. He looked terrified.

"This body is too damaged. Until next time, Sansy~"

I was pulled back into my body, and the pain was doubled. I looked down at myself, and saw many large cuts and scrapes. My arm was pierced and pinned to the wall by a bone. Once again, I felt myself black out.

Oooh! I bet you're wondering what will happen next! Things heat up in the next chapter!!!!

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