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(trigger warning: guns)

(idk if this can trigger people or not but i said just incase <3)

it got dark.

skye was lost on the bare foot trail, cold and scared. she pulled put the gun that convinently had in her pocket just in case.

she heard a snap behind her. turning as fast as she could and pulled the trigger on the gun shooting it.

looking at what she shoot she made a disgust face. on the floor lay a very ugly creature in a police outfit, looking at the name tag on the jacket it said 'sheriff donovan'.

eh, skye thought, he looked annoying anyway.(no hate to zach who plays matt donovan btw)

skye walked away still trying to find her friend again and also not caring to move the body, it doesnt look like someone would care about him anyways.

skye, Tiegan cool swag swagy; bare foot trail adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now