"Get him out." Pt. 2

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EN: I know I've taken requests and I'm still working on them, I'm sorry if it's not published when you wanted I've just had other ideas and I've been really busy.

Pls don't hate me :)


2 months. 2 months you haven't seen him. They wouldn't even let you visit like you used to do, they won't let you anywhere near his cell. Matter of fact, Tony locked you in your room. Steve tried to argue but it wasn't going down the way he planned it would.

Steve tried his best to get his best friend out of holding, but failed in every attempt. He promised you he'd get him out and he never breaks his promises. This promise meant a lot to him as well, he's been trying his best not to go off on Tony so he'd take it out on a punching bag. Almsot like Bucky was back, punching the bag in the gym over and over after a nightmare or if he's pissed. Now? You'd sneak to his room and sleep there almsot every night, wearing his hoodie that smelled like him all the time brought tears to your eyes. It didn't feel the same. Not anymore. When you entered his room, you were met with silence and neat bed. You'd usually be met with a hug and a kiss to your forehead everytime you walked in, didn't matter how many times. Being lonely was never where you saw yourself, you hate being alone. The only times you want to be is when you don't feel okay, but even then Bucky would find his way in your eyesight and make you smile.

You missed that, you missed him. So fucking much.

As for Bucky, he practically didn't blink anymore. He regrets letting you go, but he had too. For your sake. Or so that's what he kept telling himself. He didn't talk anymore, he didn't eat, he didn't look anywhere but the wall infront of him, and he compiled. Easier than he did when he was in H.Y.D.R.A. Without you, he's done for. He has no purpose of even breathing. His face doesn't say it but his eyes do, he fucking misses you. Every minute of everyday. His hopes were that you'd come running back and break down the door grabbing him without hesitation, even against his will, and you'd two would run off again. Continuing your adventure.

"Barnes." A voice called, "You have a visitor. How nice someone would want to visit you."

That sinister laugh was cut short when Steve came busting through. Bucky didn't jump but he was curious, a feeling he hasn't felt in a while. Steve closed the door behind him and held back the heartbreaking voice he so badly wanted to let out.

"Buck." Steve called.

Bucky immediately turned around hearing his best friends voice. He stood up and bear hugged him, a hug he's needed since he got here. Steve hugged him back and pulled away before pointing out the door.

"I found a way to get you out."


"Theres no debate." Steve cut him off, "I made a promise. A promise to Y/n that I'd get you out."

Buckys heart sunk hearing her name. A wash of guilt taking him over as he sat back down on the bench, running a shaky hand through his hair.

"Y/n.....is she- okay?" Bucky mumbled.

"No." Steve answered almsot immediately, "She's broken without you. Tony locked her in her room, that's why she hasn't come to visit you. She's stuck in there, Buck. She needs you."

Buckys eye twitched, "He...locked her in her room?"

Steve nodded and pulled out his phone. He pulled up the footage of a few months ago, the day they dragged you out of Buckys cell. Grabbing his phone, Bucky watched it carefully, taking in every detail of what was going on.

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