25 * Don't You Want To Go Back?

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I woke up to FRIDAY announcing for us to join Steve in the meeting room. I groaned, pulling myself out of bed and walking there, still half asleep. I slumped down in a chair and waited for everyone else. Once the group was all seated, Bruce stood up. Which surprised me. Usually Steve took the lead in here.

"So, we got what we needed from the agent you captured a while back. And we think we discovered what exactly gave you your abilities, Calliope."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Uh, yeah. You don't wanna know?" Bruce questioned.

"I mean, I probably won't understand any of it anyway." I shrugged. "So unless it's going to kill me, I'm good."

"You're perfectly healthy." Bruce smiled at me.


"So we know what caused it?" Sam asked and Bruce nodded. "Does that mean we can fix it?"

I looked at Sam, eyebrow raised. "I'm sorry, fix what?"

Sam still didn't look at me and continued talking to Bruce. "Is it possible?"

"Uh, is my new power invisibility? Have I vanished? Can you see me, Steve?"

Steve chuckled. "I see you, Callie. I think what Sam means is would we be able to reverse what Hydra did to you. Not that you need fixing."

"Huh. Could've fooled me." I rolled my eyes.

Sam finally looked at me. "Don't you want to go back? To how you were before?"

"So hydra could just do it again? I'd be a sitting duck powerless. And unless Bruce can cure PTSD, I'm never going to be who I used to be."

"We'd protect you."

I stood up and walked away from the table. "Yeah, that went so well last time." I mumbled as I walked out.

Steve followed me out. "Calliope, he didn't mean it that way."

"No, he did, Steve. My whole life, nothing felt right. I've always pushed down my own emotions for other people. I did it when dad died and I had to raise my sister because my mom was a wreck, I did it when mom decided to just pack up and leave us, and I did it again when mom got sick and I dropped everything for her. And now finally I feel like I belong somewhere. I've finally found who I am now that I've stopped burying myself. If the perfect Sam can't handle that, it's fine. I just need to be alone now, Steve."

I stormed away and slammed my door. Now that I was fully awake, I decided to shower. The warmth hit my body and I instantly relaxed. I washed my body one time first, before going to my hair, deciding I would wash my body a second time after my hair. I was scrubbing the shampoo in when I saw movement in the corner of my eyes and I screamed, conjuring fire and throwing it at the movement.

Moments later, both Tony and Bucky stormed in the bathroom, Bucky with a knife ready, and Tony with a repulsor on his hand. They looked at me, the spot on the wall where I threw a fireball, and back at me before lowering their weapons. I tried to cover myself up as Tony sighed. "What the hell, Callie?"

"It was a spider..." I whispered. Tony rolled his eyes as Bucky burst out laughing.

"A spider! Why in the world did I decide to have a bunch of superheroes in my house? Destroying the damn place over a spider!" Tony stormed out, ranting the whole time.

Bucky looked at me, still chuckling, and gave a smirk. "Looks like" he pulled his shirt off, "it's probably not safe for you to be alone." He moved to unbuckle his jeans. "Cause you know," pulled his jeans down, "where there's one spider" he was completely naked now, climbing into my shower, "There's usually more."

I looked at his body up and down, and nodded before smiling. "You know, I've heard that. Better safe than-"

I was interrupted by his lips pressing against mine. We hadn't been together in months but it was like yesterday. He remembered everything. Where I liked to be kissed, and when. What angle would make me yelp out, how crazy him moaning my name into my ear made me. Everything was perfect.


I had gotten out of the shower first, Bucky deciding to stay and wash his hair. "I like your shampoo." He shrugged as he kissed me when I got out. I walked into my room and dried off, getting dressed. I was just wearing sweat pants when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it, covering my chest with the towel and it was Sam. Before I could say anything, he pushed his way past me and started to talk.

"I know you probably aren't ready to talk but I really just need to get something off my chest."

Before he could continue, we heard Bucky speaking from the bathroom. "You know, it looks like you only damaged the tile, so I could definitely fix that, easy." He walked out of my bathroom naked, using the towel to dry his hair, everything else dripping and exposed. My eyes widened as Sam was staring at Bucky, Bucky oblivious.

I opened my mouth, "um." But Sam cleared his throat. Bucky's eyes widened as he turned, seeing Sam. Letting out a loud "shit" as he scrambled to cover himself.

"Shit, Sam. I-uh, there was a spider. And she" he initiated a throwing motion "you know with fire, fireballs. And the wall, so I'm gonna fix it. And uh"

Sam didn't speak, just walked out of my room, leaving Bucky and I standing there awkwardly.

"So... he knows now. Guess we don't have to worry about telling him." Bucky tried to joke and I gave half a smile.

"Yeah. He definitely knows now."

Bucky came up and hugged me from behind. "Hey, I love you." He leaned in and kissed my neck.

I sighed and leaned into him. "I know." I smiled and turned. "I should go talk to Sam."

Bucky shook his head. "No, I should." He went into the bathroom and grabbed his clothes and continued. "I'll be back tomorrow morning to fix the shower wall." He leaned and kissed me as he pulled up his pants.

"You don't have to."

He laughed. "I should though, so Tony doesn't kick us all out." I laughed with him and he pulled his shirt on before leaving.

The door closed and I threw myself on my bed and sighed. Eventually I got back up and finished getting dressed, decided to go to the kitchen for something to eat. I saw Tony on the way and he grumbled something about a spider and I laughed. "Bucky is going to fix it tomorrow, Tony. Come on."

"You used a fireball on a spider!"

I burst out laughing as he stormed away again. I chuckled the entire way back to my bedroom.

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