Chris is now 12 and he has been making friends in his new neighborhood, five seasons.
One of his new friends is this boy named Devon. Devon was a homophobic bitch who liked to fight everyone, including his own grandma.One night chris was walking with his parents then devon came up and he said "ew, Chris your parents are gay. Shaame on you, god will never love you for shame."
Grunkle Stan had heard enough he grabbed his 34 inch defeater and then slapped Devon in the face with it.
"OWWIE" cries Devon. He goes to his home to go cry himself to sleep.
The next morning at school Devon wears his vsco girl outfit with cat piss perfume.
Chris apologizes about stans actions.
Devon leans in to kiss Chris. Chris blushes intensely, like his dad Patrick.
"This is so gay 🥵" states Devon. "W-w-w-w-what if my very Christian dad in jail finds out?!!!?!?!!!"
And they lived happy ever after.