More of drunk Ghlatt"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL!" Ghlatt roared.
Silence was his only response. The drunk ghost angrily searches the whole castle.
He comes up with nothing. Not a single clue. Everyone just up and vanished. Or so he thinks, in his drunken state.
"We're almost there!"
"Finally.."The two continue their journey, thankful that it's nearly over.
"Ponk?! Sam?!" Tubbo cries upon throwing open his door.
"Hey... Tubbo."
"Come in!" Tubbo anxiously pulls the two males into his house, both battered and hungry. "Ranboo!"
"Yeah?" Ranboo calls back, presumably from Michael's room.
"Make some soup?"
"Sure?" A slightly puzzled Ranboo comes out of Michael's room, and stops upon seeing Ponk and Sam.
"Ponk?! Sam?!" He quickly comes forward and gently hugs both of them.Very few people know of Sam. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Hannah, and Purpled. And, of course, Philza.
The group of five and six year olds happily chase one another around the yard.
"Guys! Lunch time!" The children quickly head inside, and Ponk closes the door behind them.Sam is setting plates on the table, sandwiches and crisps and cups of water. The children seat themselves, talking and laughing.
Sam and Ponk sit beside each other, smiling at the kids.
Tubbo reaches towards Tommy's plate, attempting to steal a crisp. His hand his smacked away.
"Don't take my food." Tommy tells him, getting close to Tubbo's face.Hannah taps her unneeded fork against the table, accidentally causing a thin vine with white flowers to begin pushing it's way through the table.
"Hannah, carefully okay? We don't want the rose fiasco to happen again." Hannah nods, and taps the stem. It slides back towards the floor, and spreads itself out into a leafy-flowery mat of sorts.
The sun sinks behind the hills of Golden Valley. Hence the name, the setting sun washes everything in the valley gold.
"Bye!" Hannah calls as Tommy and Tubbo wave goodbye, before heading away with Wilbur.Purpled grabs Hannah's hand, and they disappear inside, Sam and Ponk following close behind.
Tommy and Tubbo follow Wilbur into their house. The two young boys head upstairs, Wilbur waiting to make sure they're in their room before heading to Philza's.
"I'm worried Phil. They've seen him like that twice. Both times, they looked scared, but remember when we came in and found them? Tommy said 'Techno? What are you doing? If it's about me taking your sword I'm sorry! I put it back! Techno? Why is your sword out?'. His voice stayed the same. He wasn't scared of Techno hurting him or Tubbo. But he didn't understand."
"I don't see all of what you're getting at, but we have a right to be worried. The voices are getting the better of him. The boys can't stay here if Techno can't control them."
Sam gratefully eats his soup, Ponk beside him, slurping noodles from his spoon.
"I can't believe you're the reason we're here! Well, I can, but, like, I thought Ghlatt let us out because he had some evil plan!"
"Yeah, I found Ponk locked in a secret dungeon I didn't know Eret's castle had. Ghaltt made all the cells use the same key, the idiot. I helped him escape, and told the guards to let us guys free. Then they were to run."
"Damn, esacpe artist."
"I unlocked a cell and gave basic instructions. But anyways, whats been going on?"
"Ranboo lives here and we have a son."
"Excuse me?"
"No! It's a baby zombie-pigman we rescued from the Nether."
"Thank god." Sam mutters. "What else?"
"Puffy lives in Kinoko, Hannah is running her and Niki's bakery for the time being. Karl is teaching magic, but only I believe it's real. Sapnap tried to burn down the Catmaid Café."
"That's really all."------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Tomorrow. They can't stay here any longer. Tell them nothing. I won't say a word. Tell them they're going with you."
"Okay. Send letters for updates on...the matter."
"Will do."
The next day, Wilbur takes Tommy and Tubbo. Phil doesn't day a word.
"Help Phil please! I can barely control them anymore! I hate this curse! What the hell did I do to deserve this?!"
"Come here." Phil pulls a trembling teenage Techno into a hug. "You did nothing. But the victim suffers more than the one who committed the crime.""The world is unfair."
"I think you learned that years ago."
"Yes. But it gets more true every day."
Ranboo tucks Michael into bed, the laterns hanging from the ceiling giving off a warm glow.
"Yes Tubbo?"
"Sam and Ponk took my room."
"Im sleeping in yours."
"Oh- okay then. I guess I'm sleeping in here."
"No-? I'm sleeping on the couch?"
"Okay then."
Ranboo ends up on his bed, back to the wall, Tubbo taking up most of the double bed.
"You're annoying sometimes Tubbo."
"I know. But you love me."
"I...would not be so sure about that." Tubbo hits his arm in response.
"You're the one taking up almost half of my double bed!"
"Shut up dude!" Tubbo whines.
"Or what."
"I- will kick you out."
"You can't kick me out."
"I knoooow." .... "If you touch me I'll kill you."
"You are literally-. Tubbo you are the one in my bed when we have a very nice couch, and Michael doesn't mind either of us sleeping in his room."
"Say that again, I dare you."
"I will just sleep on the couch."
"Okay??? Please do? I didn't ask you to sleep in here."
"I am not leaving, I've just decided."
"Okay then" Ranboo replies with a small sigh.------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Mama! Dada! Look! I drew Endches!" [Enderchest] Michael hands Tubbo the picture he drew.
"Very nice Michael!"Michael seats himself at the table, clearly expecting breakfast.
"Waffle? Pwease?"
"Sure Michael." Tubbo goes to make the waffles, and Ranboo comes in from Tubbo's oversized potato farm.
"You have too many potatoes."
"Have you seen Techno's poatato farm? It has at least thirty times that amount." Ranboo shakes his head and places the bag of potatoes in the kitchen.
Tubbo gives Michael two waffles, and makes cereal for himself.
"Sam and Ponk are at the village. Said something about getting seeds."
------------------------------------------------------------------------Ranboo spends the day with Michael, while Tubbo goes off to "do important things." Presumably nukes.
Tommy sent a letter (even though he has a boat), and stated he's visiting tomorrow, and that they should get ready, because Technoblade's coming too.

gorod prizrako, DSMP
Fanfictionthe ghost of the town has returned to haunt © moonrvsh prev titled wings of war gorod prizrako translates to ghost town (hopefully. clown on me if it doesn't 🤡)