Broken from inside💔💔💔💔

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Pin drop silence in the  room

Sumedh and basant were broken from inside nothing was left inside them  they lost everything in this moment

Monika :basant mumbai bohot accha hai bare bare school hai tumare liya accha hoga

Mallika: maney toh ye bhi suna hai ki waha bohot bare dance academy hai bohot bara sehar hai

Sumedh eyes became red he came out from basant room mallika started following him

Monika came to basant

Monika: basant tum jahoga na uncle aunty kush ho gaye

Basant : monika pls tum meri room say bahar nikal jao please

Monika : basant

Basant: i said get out
Monika :ok i am leaving

When monika come out of the he shut the door

Other side

Mallika : sumedh meri badh toh sunu

Mallika hold his hand he jerk her hand

Sumedh : dont touch me and just leave me

Mallika : sumedh

Sumedh : mallika just leave me alone

Sumedh went to his room and shut the door

Junooniyat  sirf meriKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat