31. "My Cursed, Scarlet Crown King"

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Ava Max - Tabú

My dad once told me a story of a little girl who fell down a rabbit hole. I loved the story until someone told me a different side of the story. The story wasn't just about the little girl falling down rabbit holes, it was about an addicted caterpillar, an anxious rabbit, a mad hatter, and a conceited Queen, the person painted my colorful world grey, but I guess I realized that it doesn't matter if you hear a million sides to one story, it's the way you see things. And I guess this story taught me that it's okay to be different, to see the world from a different perspective.

Being with Caelum, my world is mixed with all different color schemes and shades, and at this moment other story sides don't matter, it doesn't matter because why should they matter when you get to hear the original story, the true story.

"And so, Alice tells her sister about her dreamlike adventure in wonderland" I finish off, closing the book. Zuko and Mila look at each other with wide eyes "Do you think we can go to wonderland?" Mila asks me. I put a finger to my chin and pretend I'm thinking "Mmm, maybe if you close your eyes and dream, you'll go to a wonderland of your own"

Zuko started living in the castle when Mila came pouting to Caelum that she wanted him to stay in the castle, and Caelum just couldn't say no to her, so we set up a room for Zuko next to Mila's and Rina's been taking care of them.

They both love it here.

The three of us are sitting on a blanket, under one of the enchanted apple trees in the castle's garden, loving the shade it gives from the blazing sun. The lovely thing about the enchanted apple tree is that it stays in bloom throughout all the seasons, always giving tasteful apples.

"Farren, can I have an apple," Mila asks. I look up at the tree, trying to figure out how to get an apple down.

"I would love to get you one, but I can't reach," I tell her, and she frowns "It's okay, I understand"

Zuko springs up from his place on the grass "I can get one" he says and puts his hand up to reach for the apple, he closes his eyes and whispers words in another language. My eyes move from him to the glowing red apple that's floating down to us, it lands in Mila's hand "Thank you, Zuko" she thanks him and he sits back down.

I turn to him "I thought your mom said you couldn't do any magic"

He looks at his hands in his lap in shame "I tried without her knowing, but I haven't done anything bad, I promise. I only know how to float things" He admits, his teary brown eyes peeking up at me.

I pull him into my arms "There's no need to cry, it's okay" I hush him.

"Good Afternoon" A new voice interrupts us, he takes a seat next to me and places a kiss on my forehead.

"Good afternoon" I chirp and let go of Zuko, he scurries to sit next to Mila. Mila smiles brightly at Caelum, and he throws her a charming smile.

Zuko and Caelum still don't get along so well, Caelum doesn't like him that much because he's a descendant of witches, and Zuko is scared of Caelum. Scared that he'll throw him in the dungeon for Caelum's 'pet snake' to eat. Zuko told me that those are the stories they tell them on the Isle, all bad things about the royal family and their kingdom, when he told me some of the stories I laughed, it really was ridiculous.

I want Zuko and Caelum to get closer, I want them to get along "Caelum, Zuko was telling me about his love for books and reading," I tell him, recalling when Zuko said he wasn't like the other kids on the Isle, they preferred to learn to use a sword and practice a whole lot of magical spells, they liked to pull pranks on the pixies and sprites, while Zuko stayed at home with his head buried in a book.

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