The Revenge

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It probably would have been better if Azriel had agreed with Daggerheart and gone with the two young girls that were obviously her spies but he had insisted that he was not going to leave her alone.

"I'm not going to break!" She had snapped at him.

"I know." He had argued.

"Then why don't you go with them?" She had angrily waved her arm towards the two girls who waited patiently.

I don't want him to get to you before I get to him. He hadn't said that out loud. "I don't know them and I don't want to die."

"They are my spies. You will have to work with them." She said, pacing the dark room.

"Not today. I'm too tired."

Daggerheart had laughed, "Does it look like I care?"

In the end, however, she had been too frustrated and too impatient to argue with him, and with one punch across his face, had told him to follow her. He had smugly grinned and followed her down the narrow, dark street.

Now, he was regretting it all.

"I can't fit through this!" He whisper yelled.

"I don't care. I told you not to come with me." Daggerheart glared at him through the small opening.

There was a small hole in the ground behind an abandoned building but Daggerheart had found out that the building was not, in fact, abandoned.

"My spies didn't risk their lives thrice in a single day, finding ways for me to enter this place for the wings of a fucking Illyrian to get in my way." She grumbled and pushed herself up. She pushed him towards the small opening hitch was enough for her but not for his broad shoulders and wings. "Seriously who made you a spy?" She shook her head. "You can't even reach places."

"I can. And for the places I can not reach, I have spies who can." He snapped.

"Shush, you hooligan!" She smacked his shoulder and he fell down the hole in a small oomph!

Daggerheart quickly lowered herself inside and nudged him with her foot. "Get up." She whispered and took out a dagger.

He was on his feet quickly and silently followed her as she carefully stepped over mice and bones of small animals. The floor of the corridor was not visible under all the filth that had collected there but he was thankful for the dark which made it easier for him to send his shadows ahead of himself. They had only walked for a minute when a faint whisper reached his ears and he dragged both of them back.

Daggerheart didn't make any sound as they both waited for the source of the noise to appear with their backs pressed to a wall. Soon enough, a burly man strode down a corridor on the other side. In the faint light of the torch the man carried, Azriel saw Daggerheart breathing slowly as her expression told him she was concentrating on the sound. When the man was out of earshot, she swiftly turned back to her original path.

He caught her arm, "Don't kill him." He quietly said.

"What?" She said, confused.

"You know who I am talking about. Don't kill him."

"Why shouldn't I ?" She sounded angry as she snatched her arm back.

"Because I don't want him to have a quick death." He told her.

She didn't answer him and turned around quickly before following her previous path.

He heard several feet pounding on the ground above himself.

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