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I'm so sorry! I'm so stupid and I should've never left home!

But baby, if you would've just told me. You weren't stupid, and there's no need to be sorry. I could never be mad at you. For you are the love of my life, you make my rainy day, brighter. You put a smile on my face when I think of you. And if only you were here now, in my arms. I would kiss your forehead and sing you a soft melody. I would hold you tight and never let you leave me again.

I dotted the period of the last sentence, reading it over again. Another poem to fit into a song, all for her.

It's been weeks since I had last seen her. She left me broken hearted in that hotel room. She took everything with her and didn't leave a single thing. It was only a few months I had known her and I managed to fall in love, but how. She was just someone I met at the airport when flying to London. Of course I remember the day like it was yesterday. I remember walking up to her, she was carrying her baby brother in her arms and a large backpack on her back. Her beautiful eyes searched the menu, those eyes I fell in love with.

I remember the way her long, brown hair flowed over her shoulder, and how her sweatshirt was too big for her. I laughed at the memory, wishing to go back to the day I met her. I was so awkward but managed to make friends with her.

She was too beautiful for a guy like me, I didn't think she would care for me. 2 months later we were staying together in a hotel room and shared a bed. I was giving her kisses every morning and night. And I could've called her mine.

But I never made it official, I never asked her to be my girlfriend.

A knock at the door broke me from my thoughts. I groaned and got up off the comfy bed and went to the door. I opened it, seeing Luke standing outside with a stuffed animal monkey around his neck. I furrowed my eyebrows at the monkey, looking at Luke with a confused look. "I was partying," he said, looking down at his feet with a small smile and giggling. This boy is literally a man child.

"But Calum wanted you to meet him in his room. He wanted to show you something." he finished. I nodded and closed the door on him with no words spoken to him. I went back into the bedroom and cleaned up my many wadded up pieces of paper from many mistakes from my poems and song writing and throwing them in the trash can.

I headed out to Calum's room, which was right across from mine. I had the keycard to his room, so I went ahead and pushed the card inside the slot and went inside. Calum was sitting on his bed with his laptop in his lap. He looked up from the screen as I walked into the room. He smiled and patted the space next to him.

I took a seat, laying down on the mattress. "So," Calum spoke up. "I found out a few things." he looked at me with a huge smile on his face. I sat up on my elbows and looked at him. "What did Mr.Calum Hood find on the interweb?" I played, something I hadn't done in a while. Calum's smiled only grew bigger as he noticed my humour.

"Well, you've been sad these past few months because of-" he didn't finish. It was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "-anyways. I did some seraching, there's fans that live in Ohio, right?" I nodded, not seeing where he was going with this. If it was related to Marley, I don't know how to feel about it.

"Y'know, that's where Marley is from.." of course. I knew it. I nodded and looked at his computer screen. "So they know who she is. They've noticed your depressed state for the past few months and they really wanted to help."

"They've tweeted me millions of times telling me that they hate to see you sad. They know that the only way to make you happy again is to find her." he clicked on a few saved tabs on google, showing me the tweets from the fans.

"They can't find her anywhere. I don't know if she's in Ohio anymore or not but she's not there." he said, sighing. I didn't notice I was holding my breath, so I breathed out and looked at my fingers. "It's actually spread across the U.S. Fans from each state are trying to find her.. but they can't. Ashton, Marley is absolutely no where to be found."

"How in the hell is she no where to be found?" I screamed, catching Calum off guard. I stood up, pacing the room. My hands pulled at the ends of my hair.

"Ash, please calm down." Calum tried to soothe me. I took a deep breath and exhaled. "How is she no where to be found? Can't our fans hack into literally anything?"

Calum shrugged and looked at his laptop. "Ash, that's illegal. If they get into her files.. they could be arrested. We don't exactly want our fans to get arrested, do we?"

I nodded and sighed. "I just- I want to find her."


first chapter YAYAYA

hope it's gucci as fuck

cross your fingers i'll update soon.


-marinara sause

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