2. Morning

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I woke up to a loud knocking noise coming from outside my room.

"Y/n-chan, wake up!" My older brother called.

I rubbed my eyes, wiping away the sleep. The window was still open, letting soft sunlight filter through. I sat up fast. I whipped the blankets off my legs to see my ankle wrapped. So last night did happen.

I stood up and hobbled to the window, taking in the scenery. The green grass was surprisingly bright and alive. On the horizon I could see the mountains and on the mountains I could see wysteria trees forming a wall of protection. That was the only reason father let us stay here alone. Demons can't get past those trees and not once have we ever had an incident. The only opening for demons to be allowed through is the front entrance, where the wall of trees stop to let in carts, etc.

There is a low level demon slayer guarding the gate, which realistically is enough because no high ranking demon would venture out here with no purpose. If one ever did, a hashira would come right away. I guess that was one of the perks of being related to one. That was the reason we were kept inside this valley. Father didn't take any chances.

I guess it was alright, even though I was rarely allowed to leave, I was still safe and I indulged myself by leaving every night.

The one question I had was why Muzan decided to venture into the wysteria walls. I didn't know other people knew about this valley and that was a very specific pond to go to. Maybe his family lived in the same valley, just a ways off? Other hashira families lived in this valley as well, but they were far enough away from our own property that I couldn't see them from the house.

Muzan said he wasn't "exactly" a demon slayer. I wonder who he is. He looked powerful enough.

I left those thoughts alone and decided I'd start the day.

After getting ready I started down the stairs and to the kitchen where I saw my older brother and mother. Mother was sitting at the counter while my brother cooked.

"Y/n-chan! There were fish in the sink so I decided I'd cook them. Do you know where they came from?"

"A nice man dropped them off early this morning."

"Well if you ever see him again, i'd like to give him my thanks. This will be delicious."

I giggled and sat down with mother, taking her hand in mine. She looked sickly as usual. Her pale skin and shallow eyes looked even worse in the light. Maybe I should make her some tea. I thought. I got up, heated the kettle under a fire and waited for the water to boil. After that was fine, I grabbed some loose tea, put them in a small tea bag and let it soak in the water.

Once it was done I brought it over to her. I poured her a cup and sat down beside her. She looked at me with the same warm gentle eyes she always had. That was one thing that never changed.

She took her cup with shaky hands brought it to her lips, lightly blowing on it. She whispered a thank you to me and took a sip.

Once my brother had finished cooking we all ate together.

"Oh yes, the man who dropped off the fish will be coming back to visit again. He left his hat here and will be returning to get it."

"Is that right? Well then I'll get my chance to compliment him on his excellent fishing skills."

We finished eating and out the leftovers in a cold place. I limped outside and sat on the edge of the front porch.

As soon as I left the building the feeling hit me again. I was being watched. I wondered if one day i'd ever meet the mysterious presence lurking just beyond where I could see.

My brother walked out.

"What happened to your ankle?"

"Oh...um...I tripped yesterday and sprained it."

"How unfortunate. Would you like me to take a look at it?"

"Oh no, that's alright! It's okay now and it'll heal within the week."

"If not we'll have to take you to a doctor."

"Only if it doesn't heal fast."

"Yes" My brother said, staring into the distance. After a feel moments of silence he asked:

"Do you ever think anything could get in?"

I was surprised

"No, how could it? It's protected all the way around except for the gate and even that is being watched. A demon would never dare try and pass the wisteria."

"Hmm, I hope you're right, I've had a strange feeling lately."

"Well I hope that feeling is wrong."

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, the next one should be longer. Just a heads up, i'm pretty sure i'm gonna write the next chapter in Muzan's point of view, to provide some background info. Also you know the drill: please comment and vote!!)
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