Chapter Three

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Chapter 3:

Laying on the cold ground with the grey wolf snarling at me, drool dripping onto my wolf's fur. I hated being in this situation. A smaller wolf came up to the grey wolf and licked him. This calmed the grey wolf down a little but not entirely. I heard footsteps coming from behind the wolves and looked up to see the Doctor standing there staring down at me.

"I thought I told you to stay at your school." He snapped at me, making me turn my head into the ground, becoming even more submissive. I hated this feeling. I was never this way before in my own clan. " Justin get off him and let me talk to him."

The grey wolf snapped at me one more time before he finally let me up. I got on my paws and looked around and saw there were about twenty wolves staring at me. There was an opening going into the direction of my school and I bolted. I didn't want to hear what the Doctor said, I just wanted to get back to my safe place. I could hear them howling and running after me. I skidded to a stop at where my clothes were and quickly changed back and threw them on. I could hear the wolves getting closer and bolted to the front door of the school. I swung the door open just as the first wolf came out of the forest and snarled at me. I threw myself into the school and pulled the door closed.

My heart was beating so fast. I almost died out there. This meant I couldn't go running any more and that made my wolf howl in my head. I was stuck within this school for the next year and half until I graduated. Then I would go far away from where any other clan lived. When I got into my room I pulled out my computer and wrote a letter to my father. I knew he most likely wouldn't write back but I had to let him know about my feelings.


I have been away for half the school year. I never understood why you would send me here of all places. I knew why you sent me away. To you I was a disgrace to you and the clan for being gay. I could get over that. I can't change who I am or who I like and I am so sorry you can't understand that and just love me for me. For being your son.

I do know now that you sent me here because it is on enemy territory and if I even set a single foot out of the school I could be killed. This should make you happy, I just almost was, by the clan that lives here. You also damned me to be alone and unhappy forever. I have found him but he will never be mine. So rejoice in that knowledge Father.

If you are able to find it in your heart let Mother know I love her and I miss her. I just wanted to make you proud of me and I guess I never will.


After I sent that off to my Father I decided to try and find a group online to join. Try and find someone to talk to. I was feeling so alone all the time. I had a week off from classes and I knew no one here would willingly come find me to see if I was alright. That hurt a lot. I knew I fucked up at that party but I thought that at least one person on the team would have my back. I finally found a group to join that was just for gay teens around the area. I thought maybe I would be able to make one friend that would want to come to the school and hang out since I couldn't go anywhere myself.

Lonelyboy17: Hello everyone. I am new to the area and was just trying to find some new friends around here.

I waited for a little while but when no one wrote back to me I decided to take a nap. I was tired and just wanted to rest and forget the last couple weeks. Sleeping didn't help much, all I could do was dream about him. I just wish now that I knew his name. I wanted to know who he was, everything about him. My wolf wanted every bit of information but I couldn't tell him anything. He continued to scratch at my brain, wanting to be let out so he could find him. I wanted that too. I wanted us to be with him above anything else. It was killing me and my wolf knowing he was out here now, so close but still so far out of reach. I was woken up by my computer making noises. I rolled over and noticed I had a response in a private message from what I wrote in the group.

MagicLover: Hello Lonelyboy! I wonder why you feel so lonely to create a name like that. I know it must be hard to be in a new place have you made any friends at your school? Your family must be here with you so that should help out somewhat shouldn't it. Sorry I don't mean to sound harsh. I just never understood how people can be lonely when they have family around them, and kids at school. There has to be someone that would go out of their way to talk to the new kid, I know I would.

Lonelyboy17: Well alright. Not what I was expecting when I came on here to find someone to talk to. You sound very overly confident in yourself. My family lives very far away, I was sent here to go to school. I had friends, or rather people that would talk to me on occasion only because I was in the same group as them, but never anyone I actually trusted. I fucked up and lost even those people and no way of making it better.

I looked at the screen and re-read what this Magiclover wrote and what I wrote back. This person seemed like a prick if anything and I don't know why I wrote him back. I really am pathetic if I think this person could possibly be my friend.

MagicLover: I am sorry to hear that and sorry I assumed anything about you. How did you fuck up with the kids at your school. It couldn't have been that bad where you can't repair it. Again sorry if I am assuming anything. Onto something more pleasant maybe. For being in this group I guess you are gay, but are you male or female and is that your age in your name or is it something different? With this being a group centered around Freefield I'm going to guess you live around or near? I'm male,17 and live inside Freefield. I have a big family and a ton of friends but always feel on the outside anyway. I do have a boyfriend, but things have been really strained right now and I don't know how or if I even want to fix it. Sorry I guess I came on here to find someone to talk to also.

Lonelyboy17: I might one day tell you how I fucked up with my friends but I would rather not think about it right now. Maybe one day I will be able to fix it, but never know. I live around Freefield, I would rather not say in or near as of yet, sorry. I am 17 and male and very much single. I think it will always be this way. I have a large family also but my dad doesn't agree with who I am so sent me to school here. I will probably never see any of them ever again and I am slowly coming to terms with that. If you and your boyfriend are having issues and you are not even sure you want to fix it maybe you will be happier with someone else. I'm just saying why be stuck in a relationship where you're not sure if you are happy or not. Sorry if I said too much. I'm going to go to bed now. I don't know why I have opened up to you so much and it is slightly scaring me.

I closed my computer and curled up on my bed. I was so confused as to why I was opening up to this person. For some reason I felt comfortable talking to him and I don't even know who he is. I slowly fell asleep with thoughts of MagicLover and Him in my head. 

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