CHAPTER 13 - DIANA YOUNG: "The Anniversary"

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Walking in the foyer with Asher, I had this sensory overload: the noise because of the people present and the music, the visual because of all the beautiful dresses everyone was wearing. Also, with the delectable smell of the scent mixed with the aroma of the food, my mouth started watering. Putting those thoughts aside, I asked Asher if we could first meet Mr. and Mrs. Grace. They were in the middle of a crowd of people. After waiting for them to finish up, we walked up to them. I greeted them and wished them a "Happy Anniversary" to which Thea grabbed me in her hug.

"Where is Ivie?", Warren asked Ash.

"She couldn't make it. She is off to her home.", Ash replied.

They thanked me for coming when I told them I was glad that Asher thought of inviting me in.

Once they left to attend to the other guests. Asher asked me for a dance, which I happily agreed to. The guests had still been coming in, so they were only playing slow songs to dance on and there were few people on the dance floor. He took my hand, and we moved to the center. Raising the hand that he held onto, I placed my other hand on his shoulder, which he followed by softly sliding his other hand around my waist. Even though we were dancing and this was supposed to happen, this gesture of his surprised me. He has always been flirty and forward, but this was something different. It was soft and considerate. Every step was slow like he was making sure I was comfortable. First, it was some slow swings from side to side, which was mostly because he didn't know that I could hold my own on a dance floor. He was taking the lead on the dance, but the way he was looking at me was like he was studying my body language for leads.

We talked while still dancing for a little while longer. I teased him, saying he was not as bad at dancing as I imagined him, to which he started acting as if he was offended, but I rested my case saying he doesn't look the dancing type to me. Walking off the dance floor once he saw his brother walk in, he leans closer to me and in all Asher Grace's widely known flirtatious way almost whispers "There is a lot you haven't seen about me babe" looking at him half stunned, half shocked, trying to form a sentence in my head for some kind of response. But before I could even utter a single word, we were both standing in front of Asher's older brother. Giving him one last glance, I looked up at his brother saying hello to which he said hello back. I then completely focused on Asher as he was getting pissed at him for being late and how they had to get the cake out for the cake cutting ceremony they planned for their parents.

Later when they were done with their little too and for but only after I reminded them they can do this later. Right now they need to focus on the event. All three of us headed to the kitchen attached to the hall where the cake was kept. Ash asked me to come along with them as I didn't know anybody there at all. Even though I refused and said I'll be fine until he gets back, he insisted and I discovered he came to be very persuasive when he wants to be. Darren checked in with the support staff, instructing them on when to move the cake out and bringing it to the front of the area where the seating arrangements were made.

Turning me towards where the cake was kept while his brother went over everything and cross-checked all the instructions, he asked for my opinion on how it looked. To be honest, it looked amazing. It was a four-tier white cake with gold details and design on it which almost made it look elegant if only you could describe a cake like that.

After the cake cutting ceremony, Ash asked me to accompany him to give his parents the present we selected the other day. He caught me by surprise and to answer him I denied. It was his gift to his parents. After he gave his gift, Darren gifted them tickets to Australia for a week-long vacation. Thea and Warren make a great couple.

"Hey!", Ash said, bumping my thoughts. "It's getting late. I'll drop you home. And by the way, thanks for being my date tonight. I had one of the best nights."

"Yeah, I had a great night too.", I replied with a shy smile.

"I think we should do this more often. You know, spending time together.", Ash said. There was a promising sparkle in his eyes.

"I think I'd like that too.", I replied.

I guess I was blushing. This wasn't a date night but something you dream of.

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