1 month later
Julia and I were planning our wedding. Everyone had left a couple weeks ago since Carolyn had to get ready for college.
We sat at the table with a notebook and pen, writing down derails for the wedding."I don't know about you, but I don't want to have a huge wedding...I dont like people" I whispered the last part. Julia giggled and nodded.
"Of course, darling. I understand. We can max it out to 30 people?"
I nodded and wrote it down."So we already got Carolyn, Elizabeth, and David coming..." I paused and sighed. I set down the pen and placed my head in my hands. "What is it my love?" Julia asked, rubbing my back.
I shook my head and picked up the pen to continue writing.
"Nothing. I just have a headache" I lied."Do you think you can get your brother to come?" Julia asked me.
I looked at her then looked down.
"H-He's always busy now Julia." I said quietly.
Julia sighed and rested her hand on my shoulder.
"Yes of course he is, because of work...but surely he will make time for you. Especially because you're getting married"
I nodded and wrote his name down.
We went on about a couple more things like where we would have it and what it would look like.After that was all done, we decided to take Charlie out for a walk.
"Charlie! Let's go for a walk" I called from the front foyer. He came running down the stairs and spun around before sitting down in front of me for his leash to be put on.Julia laughed and put on the leash. We began walking down to the town. Julia interlocked her fingers with mine. I smiled and moved closer to her. We walked down to the busy part of New York. It was loud. Cars honking, children running around, and music from shops blasting out of the open doors.
It was quite overwhelming if im being honest. I gripped onto Julia's arm with my free hand, the leash around my wrist now.
"You alright, love?" She asked in which I nodded. I didn't want to make a big deal about this. I wanted to spend time with her. My anxiety isn't going to get in the way of this.We sat down on one of the benches after a while of walking. I picked Charlie up and sat him down on my lap then, leaned against Julia. She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and kissed my head.
"Ill be right back. I'm gonna go get a few things" Julia said and sat up. I looked up at her in confusion. "What- where you going?" I asked, giving her a pouty face.She giggled and cupped my face. "I can't tell you, darling. Ill be back in 10 minutes, I promise" she kissed my nose then walked down the sidewalk. I watched her go into a store, but I couldn't see what the sign said.
I sighed and stroked Chalie's head, watching people walking past me.I looked around for Julia, but instead of finding a beautiful, ginger-haired women, I landed my eyes on a women with long, platinum blonde hair.
I looked away for a second then back to see if I was imagining her being there.I looked back to find she was gone. I let out a long shaky breath. I was just imagining.
Although I was now terrified of being alone. I wanted Julia back now. I bounced my leg and bite at my nails.After a couple minutes, I saw Julia walking out of the store with a bag. I tried to calm myself before she came over to me.
"You alright, my love" she said, sitting back down beside me.
"Mhm" I lied, nodding my head.
I could tell she knew I was lying.
I quickly changed the subject.
"What did you get" I said, trying to look in the bag.Julia laughed and pulled the bag away from me. "You can't know just yet" she said seductively.
"Yet?" I questioned and smirked. Julia chuckled and took my hand in hers.
"Lets get something to eat and make our way back home"I nodded and stood up, setting Charlie back down onto the ground. As we walked over to a coffee shop, I kept looking around for Angelique. I had a feeling I wasn't imagining a couple minutes ago. Julia looked at me and sighed. She walked us over to an alleyway.
"Hunny, whats going on?" Julia asked me, trying to get me to look her in the eye. I shook my head, "N-Nothing...can we just go home." I whispered looking up her. "I want to know what's going on first, y/n..." she paused then looked around the alleyway, then came closer to me.
"Did you see someone?" She asked softly. I looked away with tears in my eyes.
"T-They can hear us Julia...I can't say anything..." I chocked out looking back at her.
"That was a month ago, y/n...why are they still doing this to you?" She asked. I shrugged and wiped my tears."Please can we go home...I dont want to think about it right now" I said, picking up Charlie. Julia nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist as we made our way back home.
I'm backkkI've been making some pre-chapters for this book so if I ever am busy at some point or don't want to write that day, I'll just post those chapters.
I can get to posting more often since I'm done school. Although I am applying for a job so if I do get it i might not be posting a lot again but hopefully I can get a schedule together so I can organize how I'm going to do things during the summer.
And I think that's all I have to say

Our New Life
Romancethis is the sequel to 'The Patient' if you have not read it yet, please go do so! Julia and y/n have moved out and are on their way to create their own life together in New York.