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Hey beautiful bitches I'm here to say thank you all for 8K and this story continues to grow every day. I'm so thankful for all of you. A funny thing about this story; originally I started this for my friend who really wanted a Bellatrix story and I didn't expect anyone to read it at all. Here we are 8.32K reads later. I absolutely love all of you! I've also decided when the story hits 10K I'm gonna post my Snapchat and you guys can have a chance to actually see me and talk to me. I'm excited to meet you guys and I'm super excited to reach my next milestone of 10k! Anyway I hope you are all doing amazingly loves. And if you need someone to talk to my pm's are open for all of you my lovelies. ❤️
The next chapter is in the works right now it's nothing super exciting but I needed to help move the plot along.

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