"Without words... without a sound, I can still hear you speak... Don't be afraid... there's no doubt, There's something between us to believe in...
Just close your eyes and kiss me you fool What are you waiting for? It's just me and you This moment is yours You know what to do Just pull me close to you You fool..."
As she played the last notes on my guitar, I couldn't help but stare at her in awe.
This girl was absolutely amazing.
From the delicate way she strummed the chords, to the raspy way her voice came out as she sang... there was nothing about Sunny Jaymes Prescott that I wasn't in love with.
She set the guitar down next to her then looked over at me, her eyes wide with anticipation as she nervously bit her lip.
"Bunni, that was amazing."
"No, for real. How come you've never played before?"
She shrugged shyly as she looked down at her feet.
"I don't know. I mean, I've never really played for anyone but my parents."
"Well, you should...you're a fucking rockstar."
She smiled shyly again, tucking her hair behind her ear as she looked down.
We were silent for a while until I couldn't take it; I had to get this off of my chest.
"Listen, Bunni-- I never apologized for missing that dinner. I--"
"Tris, it's okay. You don't have to--"
"Yes, I do."
I turned my body to face her completely, sitting Indian-style, watching as she followed my actions.
"Bun, do you remember when I said that you've made me nervous since I was, like, five?"
As she nodded, I gently grabbed both of her hands in mine, looking up to see her stunning brown eyes staring into me, looking right through me.
"Well, it's true. You always have."
She didn't say anything for a second so I decided to continue, laying it all out on the line for her.
"That night-- actually, all that day-- I was in my own head, trying not to psych myself out, but all I could think about was how bad I was gonna screw up with you. I convinced myself that maybe 'you and me' was a mistake, but I was wrong, Bun."
Her eyebrows fused together like she was confused, so I took a deep breath before finally spilling my guts.
"You're all I've wanted for so long and I was an idiot for running. But, I'm not running anymore."
I had been staring at her lips for what seemed like forever until I couldn't take it anymore. I sealed the distance between us, leaning in as our foreheads rested against one another.
She kissed me back instantly, and all I could feel were the sparks that bounced back and forth between us.
When we pulled away, we were both slightly out of breath, but I managed to ask her something I'd wanted to ask for a long time.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
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