Chapter 3

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As i was driving home to grab Bentley to go to Rynleighs house i was jamming to music, i got home and ran to my room and Bentley turned around and ran to me and i scooped him up
Anastasia: "hey buddy, you wanna go on a ride to someones house"
he barked as i said that
Anastasia: "well lets go then bud"
when i put him down he ran to the car and jumped in on the passenger side.
When i arrived at rynleighs house she was waiting for me outside, i opened my car door and got out, Bentley barked reminding me to get him out so i opened the passenger side of my door and let him out
Rynleigh: "AWHHHH, hes so cute"
she said as she smiled and laughed playing with him, "god she's adorable" i thought to myself, "i only just met her, am i already catching feelings?"
Rynleigh: "come on in"
she said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me up to her room, she closed the door grabbed me by my waist and fell on the bed with me, i was face to face with her "should i kiss her" i thought to myself
Anastasia: "idk if i should kiss her right now"
Rynleigh: "you should"
she whispers to me "oh shit i said that out loud" i thought to myself but before i could say anything she kissed me, after that she suggested we watch a movie
Rynleigh: "we should watch a movie, ouu, can we watch a scary one"
Anastasia: "sure"
i hate scary movies but i didnt tell her that, when she started the movie i cuddled up next to her and she kissed my forehead, i started getting nervous halfway through the movie and started shaking Rynleigh noticed i was shaking out of nervousness and quickly held me close and comforted me, i was still shaking so she turned my head into her chest and turned the movie off, i started falling asleep so she picked me up and took me to her bedroom and layed down cuddling me and we fell asleep.

I woke up and realized it was 7:45 on a Friday so i started panicking realizing i had school so i got up super carefully so i didnt wake up Rynleigh, "god shes so adorable when she's asleep" i thought to myself, i started to walk out but she called for me,
Rynleigh: "Anastasiaaa, where are you going?"
Anastasia: "sorry i didnt mean to wake you but you gotta get up its time for school."
she groaned and rolled over when i said that
Anastasia: "Rynleigh, get up."
i said very sternly
Rynleigh: "finee"
Anastasia: "thank you"
I got Bentley and went home to put him up so i could go to school
Anastasia: "come on Bentley, go to my room i got to go to school."
Bentley barked at me as i walked out.
I got in my car and drove to school i was 5 minutes late so i had to go to the office to get a slip to go to class
Anastasia: "sorry i had to put my dog away and i woke up late at a friend's house"
Woman: "oh no worries"
Anastasia: "thank you so much"
i said as i walked to class, when i got into class my i could see my teacher mrs Haywood wasn't in a good mood
Anastasia: "im sorry im late Mrs Haywood"
Mrs Haywood: "whatever just come in, give me your slip"
i handed it to her and she jerked it out my hand and gave me a death glare as i walked to my desk
Rynleigh: "i think you made her mad"
Rynleigh whispers to me,
Anastasia: "yeah, i think so too"
Mrs Haywood: "GIRLS! No talking while im talking"
Rynleigh: "but you weren't talking?"
Mrs Haywood: "im done with your attitude Rynleigh, go to the office."
Rynleigh: "what the fuck did i do?"
Mrs Haywood: "Since you wanna have a attitude as well you can go to the office with her."
Anastasia: "good, at least i wont have to deal with you anymore today"
i said as i flipped her off and walked out
Rynleigh: "damn, you dont give 2 fucks do you?"
Anastasia: "no."
Rynleigh: "that was pretty badass of you, standing up for me like that, thank you."
Anastasia: "your welcome"
we walked to the office and my favorite person in the school staff wise was there
Mrs Lammonds is her name shes amazing
Mrs Lammonds: "Why are you two here?"
Anastasia: "because Mrs Haywood is being a bitch and i stood up for Rynleigh."
Mrs Lammonds: "good for you."
She let us chill out in the lobby for a while so i could calm down.

Let me know how yall are enjoying the story so far <3

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